Thursday, 6 June 2019

Lemons and limes

We have just survived the first of the really hot days this past weekend, with sweltering temperatures of over 30° Celsius. I know that some of you thrive in this kind of weather (yes, I'm looking at you, Vix!) but I'm finding it increasingly hard to cope with.

But before I tell you about what I wore and did to stay cool, I'm taking you back to the weekend before last, when there was still enough of a chill in the air to wear not only Crimplene but one of my lightweight Summer coats as well.

On Saturday, en route to the charity shops, we stopped at the park in Boom. And no, it's not pronounced the way you think it is, the "oo" is phonetically represented by [o:] and sounds roughly like the "o" in "born".

Admittedly, I didn't really need the coat by the time we got to the park, but as I don't think it has ever made it onto the blog, I decided to wear it especially for you! The things one does for blogging!

Another Think Twice bargain, I actually didn't have to think twice when I spotted its lemony loveliness on the shop's rails two years ago.

Wearing it is the ultimate pick-me-up on a sluggish day, as it provides the visual equivalent of an energy drink, but without the caffeine hit and the sticky sugar hick-up.

In real life, it does look more lemon than lime, but either way I seem to both blend in with and enhance the greenery of the park, while contrasting with the magenta hues of the Rhododendrons.

I even attracted the attention of the resident bees and butterflies, who must have mistaken me for a flower.

Underneath the coat, I was wearing a much neglected Crimplene skirt suit with a short-sleeved jacket.

In fact, I have several of these in my wardrobe, as for some reason I quite simply cannot resist them. 

But the bottom line is that although I do tend to wear the skirts, I don't wear them very often as suits, as I think they are tricky to style. When does one wear them, for starters? When the weather allows for short sleeves, it's usually much to warm for them. And although I could layer a long-sleeved top under the jacket, I'm not sure that it's the look that I'm after.

Anyway, that morning I decided to bite the bullet and pulled this one out of my wardrobe.

The jacket being a bit boxy, it obviously needed a belt. I went for contrast by choosing a purple vinyl one, staying with the same colour palette by pinning a purple peacock brooch to the jacket's collar.

Not wanting to be too matchy-matchy, I picked a vintage orange beaded necklace, found at an antiques centre in Newcastle Emlyn, Wales a couple of summers ago.

I've just noticed that, although quite unintentionally, it matches Jos's shirt!

Isn't he looking dapper in his colourful attire? The blue shoes are a recent buy from a local shop. He bought another pair, in pale blue, as well.

At the charity shop, I had a good old dig in a huge box full of scarves, coming up with these three. The pale green, metallic finish shoes, which looked as good as unworn, were a no-brainer.

While queuing at the till, I spied this gorgeous pendant necklace. It looks slightly Art Deco to me, so I gave the honours of showing it off to the gorgeous green-dressed Art Deco lady who lives on our bedroom's mantlepiece.

The weather continued to be sunny, albeit quite windy, on Sunday.

Sheltered from the elements, Dove Cottage's little walled garden is thriving.
Sadly enough, only one single Allium globe appeared amid the greenery provided by the rampant ferns. I must take note to plant some more in the Autumn.

Year after year, the honeysuckle growing against our garden's back wall, delights us with creamy flowers emanating the most heady of scents. We found this baby climber, aptly named Honey Baby, at the garden centre shortly after we moved into Dove Cottage.

And look, here are the first of what looks to be a bumper crop of white currants, most of which will probably be eaten by greedy wood pigeons. But they're welcome to them, as we love watching their clumsy acrobatic antics. 

And here's the indisputable queen of our garden! There's no keeping her inside at this time of year, when there are all these sensory delights out there, not to mention the wildlife she is keeping a watchful eye on. She's no match for the wood pigeons, but field mice, beware!

That Sunday was Election Day and, apart from the European Parliament, here in Belgium we were also voting for both the Regional and Federal governments. 

Our polling station was at the local library and on our way back we took the opportunity to take some photographs at the exuberantly planted front garden of the deanery.

The eagle-eyed will notice that I'm wearing the shoes bought at the charity shop the day before.

That's if you can take your eyes off the flower-strewn Diolen dress I'm wearing. The flowers in question, in white, pale grey, moss green, pink and orange, are floating on a background of darkest green.

In other words, the perfect dress to pause and pose among the flowers!

Linking my lemon coat to Nancy's Fancy Friday!


  1. That yellow coat is a delight, thank you for showing it to us. It matches both the outfit and the greenery of the garden splendidly. Your patterned skirt suit looks lovely on its own as well. I really like the bag and the necklace you accessorized with.

    Your garden looks wonderful and your black cat perfectly at home there. She is a beauty. I do like cats, they are such elegant creatures. I could watch them all day, they always look so self-content. I always wonder what is their secret.:)

    Jos looks very stylish too. I like the colours of his outfit, especially the blue shoes. My husband has similar ones.

    Your floral dress with a big collar is fantastic. It is indeed the perfect dress to pose with flowers in the background. I love those retro pointed collars but I think I only have one or two such items in my closet.

    1. Thank you Ivana! Cats are such regal creatures, aren't they? Phoebe does treat us as her servants ;-) xxx

  2. I always have a love hate relation ship with at deco. I love it on one side, but if you knew how my interiors looks like you know the hating part. That coat looks amazing on you! What a smashing color! I am, at the moment, deciding if I purchase a King Louie coat on Marktplaats. It's not a good length though.

    1. You'd probably be shocked if you saw my interior. It's quite maximalist, with a mix of styles! And I totally love Art Deco! I have yet to find a King Louie coat second hand! xxx

  3. That last picture of you is divine - you look the femme fatale! Nothing gets past her watchful gaze.

    And speaking of, how adorable is the fierce Phoebe?? She is definitely queen of the garden.

    Joss' colours are wonderful - L has several pairs of blue shoes and I think they are very dapper on gents. Wishing you a lovely rest of your week!

    1. I had a good chuckle at "femme fatale". Plus, I was singing Femme Fatale by the Velvet Underground all day. But the real FF, obviously, is Princess Phoebe! xxx

  4. I struggle with short sleeved jackets as well-there's perhaps three days out of a year when they make sense. Glad you had an opportunity to wear yours.

    Jos found THE BEST shoes ever! I've never seen anything like them.

    I love honesuckle-what a joy to have in your garden.

    1. Exactly! That's why I'm not wearing them that much. You should see Jos's other pair, which are a pale blue! xxx

  5. Oohhhh I am in love with your flower posing flower dress :) and your garden queen ( very nice picture) and Jos! He is looking like a fashion blogger ;)
    Hachz to green and violett together and this yellow coat.
    Have a nice wonderful weekend, With a very huge hug Tina

    1. Thank you Tina! Maybe Jos should start his own blog? xxx

  6. Your lemony coat sure is lovely, Ann! Such a happy colour! Those pale green shoes are fabulous too! Your garden is absolutely beautiful! Queen Phoebe looks stunning ruling over her garden! Such a gorgeous photo! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Ann! XXX

    1. Thank you Sasha! I'm only showing our garden's good bits, though, as it's a bit of a jungle, and that's no exaggeration! xxx

  7. The flowery dress, metallic green shoes and the zesty coat are to die for!!
    O- and that necklace of cause- can not resist art deco too 😍
    The warmish shortsleeved items like your suit or short sleeve wool sweaters are made for people like me - who like to have air con at the arms but staying warm in the "Center".....
    Phoebe is so sweet ❤️ Lisbeth lives in the garden now too.
    Hugsies! Xxxxxxx

    1. Thank you my dear! Judging from the number of short-sleeved skirt suits I come across, there are more people like you! xxx

  8. Almost forgot to mention jos' fabulous outfit!!! Xx

  9. I love Jos shoes! His whole outfit is fab. I think he is getting some great ideas from you. I need to pin this and show my husband.

    It is cool seeing you wearing the full suit. The accessories were great. I think they made the ensemble a bit more contemporary.


    1. Thank you Suzanne! It wouldn't do for Jos to look scruffy now, would it? And I'm sure your hubby is no slob either! xxx

  10. Ooo the deco style necklace is a beauty! As is the lemon loveliness of the coat. Such bursts of colour, fashion and nature in your post today, it's been a perk-me-up! Xx

    1. Thank you so much, glad to have cheered you up! xxx

  11. I love the lemon and lime outfit. You remind me of a cold ice lolly in those lovely colours and your new green shoes would have matched the outfit beautifully.

    Jos' shoes are fab. I do love it when men dress colourfully. My eldest grandson is great for doing this and has always had an eye for colour.

    Loved your scarves and yes the pendant is very art deco looking. The art deco lady looks perfect in it!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. The cold ice lolly comparison made me smile ;-) And you are right, the new green shoes would have been perfect with that outfit. I wonder if this is what attracted me to them? xxx

  12. You and Jos look fab. The top photo of you is wonderful, a really lovely outfit.
    The garden's looking good, I do love alliums, and Phoebe looks in her element.
    We've just had eu elections and fingers crossed they might not be the last...I can hope. xxx

  13. I like your floral print dress there at the end but I'm loving the yellow and green outfit! :)

    Your weather sounds lovely - 30 degrees is normal here, but it's winter so it's only about 20is and the layers are out, haha!

    Hope that you are having a great weekend! We had our son's birthday party yesterday, it was loud but fun :)

    Away From Blue

    1. It's usually in the low 20s this time of year, if we're lucky, so 30 and more are quite unusual, and too hot for most people, including me. But I guess you are used to these "extremes" over there! xxx

  14. I’m glad you’ve had some decent weather Ann, I’ve barely been out of my tights and boots. We’ve had so much wind and rain this last couple of days, although we must have had a bit of decent weather when I think about it as we’ve been working in the garden. It doesn’t seem to last though.
    Lovely to see Jos, he’s a dapper chap. Quite often we find ourselves in coordinating outfits without either of us knowing what the other is going to put on. The joys of having separate rooms to get ready in haha
    Lots of love from is two xxx
    Ps still trying to fit in plans for your visit, not very successfully at the moment though. Will get back to you xxx

    1. Well, the decent weather didn't last very long, Lynn. It was still better than what you got, so I'm hearing. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it gets better soon. Also keeping my fingers crossed that you can fit us in ... It would be such a pity if we couldn't meet! xxx

  15. I always thought that orange is not my colour. But then I changed my mind. I've thought since the days I had this ugly yellow ski dress that yellow is definitely not my colour. I might be wrong ... What a catch at the thrift store! Have a nice week! Regula

    1. Thank you Regula! I often find that colours, which I previously thought didn't suit me, seem to work for me after all ... xxx

  16. Hello, Phoebe!! Please can you bring some of that heat and sunshine with you? It's been 12°C today and the rain is torrential.
    You both look wonderful in your colour coordinated spring-like attire. I'm glad you wore that glorious coat despite the heat, what a fabulous find that was. I love the necklace, modelled fabulously by Art Deco Lady! xxx

    1. Sadly, the gorgeous weather didn't last, and we even had rain and stormy weather. Not as bad as your weather, apparently. Well, it can only improve, I hope ... xxx

  17. Both you and Jos gave nature a run for her money in your fabulous, colorful outfits. I swooned a little when I saw your lemon coat. That is a real treasure! Seeing it with your lime outfit, I was taken back to days when I lived in Arizona and had lemon and lime trees in my backyard. What fun memories you brought to mind. Those colors are perfect in nature and they are perfect on you.


    1. Thank you Sherry! I love it very much that my lemon and lime outfit brought such fun memories to mind! xxx

  18. Your flowers- well, the Alliums, look lovely! We have some of those too! They are very attractive! Loving your queen of the garden- she's lovely.
    Your Art deco-looking necklace is a beauty! I am itching to come back to Belgium and explore Think Twice again but on a super sale day!!x

    1. You will have to come to Antwerp, Kezzie, as there are 4 Think Twice shops within walking distance of each other. Wouldn't that be fun? xxx

  19. That lemony coat is wonderful, and I love Jos' blue shoes. It's so nice to have a bit of colour in life, and outwear like coats and shoes seems to be the dullest most often. Hooray for cheerier ones!

    1. Thank you Mim. Yes, I do agree about most outerwear being quite dull. I see lots of people wearing dull coloured coats on my commute. I'm often the only one wearing cheery colours! xxx

  20. My Alliums's are no where near to flowering yet Ann. I must say that your garden, what I have seen looks beautiful. fingers crossed for better weather xx

    1. My one and only Allium has finished flowering by now. Must definitely plant some more, and some different varieties, next Autumn! xxx

  21. What a fab coat! I smiled to hear you'd been mistaken for flowers by bees, I'm surprised that doesn't happen to you more often, you're always so colourful!
    I like that you wore your new (to you) shoes the next day, I always get so excited by a new purchase that I want to wear it as soon as possible - even if it's just around the house!

    1. Thank you Hazel! And actually it does happen to me regularly ... xxx

  22. I'm pretty late on my commenting, but anyway I'm here to say that your summer coat is candy for my eyes!, such a lovely color! and it looks even more lovely over the suit in a fabulous color combo!
    And all those flowers and greenery!. And your last dress is a beauty, the print is stunning!!

    1. Thanks Monica, I am actually pretty late with replying as well ;-) It all seems so long ago now ... xxx
