Monday 6 November 2023

Summer's swansong

As correctly forecasted by those who are supposed to be in the know, Summer took its final bow on Friday the 14th of October. Admittedly, with the continuing Indian Summer temperatures we had been blessed with in September and the first half of October, it was obvious that we were living on borrowed time. Still, it was quite a shock to the system when the mercury took a dive from its lofty 24°C to a mere 14°C on Saturday.

Time for the next installment of my wardrobe exchange, which involved delving into the depths of my coats wardrobe for the first batch of Autumnal outerwear. 

I'd almost forgotten about this forest green cord jacket with its heart-shaped patches. From the German Oui label, it was charity shopped back in May and promptly stashed away until Autumn.

But I definitely hadn't forgotten about this gorgeous denim midi dress! Although I had been scouring the charity shops for well over a year, the perfect denim dress had so far remained elusive. So, imagine my delight when I opened the bag of presents Vix and Jon had so kindly given me during our June meet-up and found this gorgeous button-through puff-sleeved one waiting inside.

The dress offers endless possibilities and I can definitely see myself wearing it when the temperature eventually drops to single figures, with a long-sleeved t-shirt or a polo neck layered underneath. No need for such things just yet, though. 

I kept it simple by adding one of my stretchy belts, a string of colourful ceramic beads and a folksy wooden brooch, all of which came to me by way of the charity shops. Oh, and a pair of brand new calf length tan boots which Jos insisted I buy! Not that I offered much resistance ...

The weather continued in much the same vein on Sunday with a mixture of sunshine and showers. Lots of showers! Together with the 12°C shown on the thermometer it wasn't exactly the kind of weather to entice us into leaving Dove Cottage's cozy confines. 

However, our phone's weather app kept insisting it would clear up in the afternoon and, as our heads were full of cobwebs, we had plans to go for a short walk after lunch. Patches of blue had appeared as if out of nowhere while we were enjoying bowls of Jos's delicious homemade soup, but we'd hardly finished before another shower materialized. Resigning ourselves to being cooped up indoors, I decided to continue with my wardrobe exchange, but then, hey presto, the sun came back to taunt us.

Quickly donning coats and boots, we made a dash to our garage, picked up our car and drove to the park in the nearby town of Boom - rhymes with home - about 8 and a half kilometers away.

Dark and menacing rainclouds were once again gathering by the time we were making our way through the park gates. Not trusting the weather gods' apparent fickleness, we therefore thought it wise to take an umbrella with us.

Instead of taking one of the paths leading into the heart of the park, we opted for the one skirting the edge, which we followed until we reached the building and garden belonging to an ecological visitor centre.

Last time we were here, about 18 months ago, parts of the garden had been turned to bare soil, which lead us into thinking that perhaps the gardens were being redeveloped. It seems we were right, as now everything was deliciously lush and green and full of interest, even this late in the season.

The rain, which was now definitely imminent, made us take outfit photos in a bit of a hurry. Still, I braved the inclement weather by taking off my coat and show you what I was wearing underneath!

My teal cowl-necked and pleated dress was a Think Twice find in March 2022. For some unfathomable reason, I initially left it behind, which could have ended badly. However, it was still there when I went back for it the next day. What's more, it had been reduced by 30%!

At my waist, the half-elasticated green belt with lion head buckle which I picked up in a charity shop on Saturday. The wood and raffia beaded necklace was charity shopped as well, as was my King Louie cardigan but, if my memory serves me right, the brooch was a flea market find. 

My old pair of knee-high mock croc boots have been demoted to walking boots now that I've got a brand new pair waiting in the wings.

And then the rain came! Buckets and buckets of it, for which the willow tunnel we were sheltering in was no match. As our weather app kept insisting it was just a blip and would be over soon, we made a dash for the visitor's centre awning to wait it out. So we waited, and waited some more until we were starting to get chilled to the bone.

With the sky still a uniform granite grey and the rain getting quite torrential, we made the decision to give up our intended walk as a lost cause. Thankful for having had the forethought of bringing an umbrella, we walked back to our car and drove home. 

Typically, we'd hardly closed Dove Cottage's front door behind us when it stopped raining and gaps of blue once again appeared overhead. 

As it often happens, the wet weekend was followed by a sunny start to the working week. The temperature had dropped to barely above freezing point overnight which, thankfully, the sun managed to crank up to highs of 12°C by lunch time.

My week started with an appointment to the ophthalmologist, where another one of those dreaded field tests revealed that the glaucoma in my left eyes seems to be under control. 

Then it was back to the office where we had a whirlwind visit from our bosses. Although they are the nicest guys ever, their visits are usually quite full-on and exhausting, so that my colleague and I breathed sighs of relief when they left on Wednesday, which was two days earlier than expected.

As a reward for having jumped the hurdles of the past couple of days, I walked to Antwerp's small but perfectly formed Botanic Garden during my lunch break. The sun was shining brightly and the day's highs of 17°C would have been considered balmy if a chilly wind hadn't played spoilsport.

Still, it was heavenly walking the paths of this wonderful city oasis, feasting my eyes on the garden's Autumnal splendour, with the typical seasonal scents tickling my nostrils.

I even found a sunny bench to sit and stare for a while, until my watch told me I was running late getting back to the office. By then, a veil of grey had done away with the blue sky and the sun was beating a hasty retreat.

The rain, however, had the decency to wait until I was home in the evening, although the weather gods didn't have mercy on me on Thursday when they insisted on raining down on me during my commute.

As a result of our bosses' early departure, I was able to take another Friday off. Not that we had anything fun planned, as we had a funeral to go to. The deceased was my late Mum's cousin who had reached the formidable age of 91 years. In contrast, my Mum passed away just months before her 66th birthday ...

It continued raining on and off all day on Saturday, with the oddest of sunny spells, and about 16°C. 

There was a charity shop event going on, so we thought it wise to avoid the inevitable crowds and visit the non-participating Oxfam shop in Wilrijk to satisfy our rummaging urges. I'll leave my finds for my next post, ending this one with the outfit of the day.

I bought the dusky pink blouse with its wide wing collar in a vintage shop back in 2015, when I fell for its pattern of plum, orange and green flowers and diamonds and its bright orange buttons.

I combined it with one of my favourite skirts, a € 4 sales bargain from Think Twice in October 2019. The dusky pink in its pattern of flowers, berries and Paisley matches the blouse almost exactly.

I picked up the sage green bits by adding a green suede belt picked up in the Summer sales, a vintage necklace which had its origins in the same shop as the blouse, and a pale green plastic ring recently found on the high street. 

Last but not least, the hard-to-photograph faceted purple glass brooch I pinned to the blouse's collar was found in a Shrewsbury charity shop during our holiday in June. Here's a better look at it!

Oh, and before I bid you goodbye, we bit the bullet and booked a mini getaway for later this month. Which means I'll be writing another travelogue before the month is up. Isn't that exciting?


  1. Just reading the word Antwerp brings a happy smile to my face... I have to visit your city. I'm pretty sure it will be.
    Your outfit is once again outstanding, I like when you introduce the little details.
    And of course I like your walks... Thanks for the great photos. Nice to see.
    I wish you a nice week. And I wish you both a fantastic short vacation... I'm excited to see where it takes you.
    A warm greeting from Viola

    1. Thank you Viola and yes, Antwerp is definitely worth a visit! xxx

  2. Such lovely outfits, Ann. I think my favourite was the last one; loving the pinks with the sage green accessories. The new to you denim dress looked fab (I'm still looking for mine) with the gorgeous cord jacket. What? You bought more boots? Are you trying to get into the Guinness book of records?

    It must be so nice to have the Botanic Gardens so close to your work place. I still haven't made it to the Botanic Gardens in Cambridge but I will get there...

    How exciting to have a break away. We have one this weekend and I'm so looking forward to it!

    1. Thank you Vronni! I know, I guess my boot addiction is getting a bit out of hand :-) xxx

  3. That denim dress is fabulous, and so versatile too. It looks great on you. This weather is horrible, it’s wet, then it’s not. Cold, then not so cold. It’s just pants. I can’t wait for your next travelogue xx

    1. Thank you Louise! I'm super happy with my denim dress! xxx

  4. Ann, your denim dress from Vix and Jon is so gorgeous. I'd love to wear a dress like that myself. Enjoy your trip. X

    1. Thank you Jess! It definitely is the perfect denim dress! xxx

  5. I travel so seldom - it seems like you two are always off gallivanting about! All to my benefit, as I am always soothed by your travelogues, Ann.

    Loving your new caramel boots - Jos was so right, how good of him to insist (L does that too, heh, such good husbands). The denim dress reminds me of one I had back in the late 00s - the little puffy sleeves! I have achieved peak denim dress (my acid wash one) and it'll take a pretty special one to catch my eye.

    Bosses are so exhausting!! I get it!

    1. I'm glad to be of service, Sheila, and yes, I agree, bosses ARE exhausting, even the really nice ones! xxx

  6. The weather is very contrary at present deep gloom followed b y bright sunshine, then showers and rainbows.
    Your final ensemble is really pretty - you have a gift for assembling outfits.
    I'm glad the glaucoma is under control.

    1. Thank you Janice! I'm afraid we've had more than our share of gloomy weather! xxx

  7. beautiful autumn photos - dear ann! this year´s autumn is especially gorgeous, long and mild and full of colours and late flowers.......
    and you do the part by dressing in rich colours and prints - fabulous!

    1. Thank you Beate! Our Autumn has been very gloomy, though. xxx

  8. That denim dress looks amazing on you! They are so versatile aren't they?
    Gorgeous autumn photos Ann and I really love seeing how you outfits change with the seasons. I adore the rich colours you are currently wearing. The last outfit in particular, is a triumph! xxx

    1. Thank you so much Claire! Wasn't Vix a darling giving me that wonderful dress? xxx

  9. Despite the inclement weather you've taken us on a lovely walk, thanks for that!
    That denim dress looks absolutely fantastic on you, I'm so thrilled to see you in it! Loving the red-hued outfit and the teal one, too! Of course you needed new boots, one day there will be a world shortage and what would we do then? Grab them while you can. Good on Jos for enabling you!
    Our Mums were the same age when we lost them, I didn't realise that.
    Very excited to hear of your travel plans - funnily enough we've just booked a little escape, too. Aren't we naughty? xxx

    1. Thank you Vix! Both our Mums were far too young when we lost them, weren't they? I do miss mine ... xxx

  10. I love your colorful looks! Here it is raining most of the time. xoxo

    1. Thank you, and it seems we are sharing that rainy weather! xxx

  11. This denim dress is so gorgeous, Ann. You can wear it „rauf und runter“ 😁🤭
    Many greetings from Tunisia, Tina

    1. Thank you Tina, and yes, it offers endless possibilities! xxx

  12. It is always shocking when the temperatures shift all of a sudden! That forest green cord jacket is stunning. I'm glad you were able to rediscover it! The denim dress is amazing as well. You always manage to find the most incredible pieces for your wardrobe. I'm glad you were able to make a dash outside and enjoy some of that fleeting sunshine! The garden is so so beautiful. I'm sorry that the rain came back. Sigh! Thank goodness you brought an umbrella. Oh goodness. Whenever the bosses come to visit, it can be super stressful, even if the bosses are nice! Oh the mini getaway later in the month sounds super exciting! Yay! Something to look forward to <3

    the creation of beauty is art.

    1. Thank you Shannon! That mini getaway has come and gone in the blink of an eye, as these things usually do ... xxx

  13. Now I'm dying to know where you are going at the end of the month. We are leaving for a few days of Rye on Saturday!
    Love that green jacket and sage green belt. I'm so in love with green lately. It happens so many times to is too, we are driving to the nature reserve, its dry, when we arrive it's raining. Sometimes it doesn't even bother me.

    1. Thank you Nancy! I'm so envious of your trip to Rye! xxx

  14. As you always look divine with your combinations, I really liked your denim dress and the third look with the reddish cardigan, I am very sorry for the loss of your family member, my father also passed away at the age of 66, I always thought he would live many more years I always saw him with a lot of strength, but sometimes health cannot always be with us. Kisses!

    1. Thank you so much Rebeca! 66 is far too young, surely. xxx

  15. There is this time of the year when I don't know what to wear. But now the temperatures have become cooler and I can wear the warmer clothes. I do not mind. :-) I may look for something green tomorrow. Green is beautiful! All the best, Regula

    1. I've been wearing jumpers for the last couple of days! xxx

  16. The denim dress was made for you.
    You look stunning in it. Wear it often.
    I love how rich the colours and patterns are in your second styling. Beautiful pattern on that skirt.Perfect autumn styling!
    I also love the dusty pink blouse with the red skirt...very feminine styling. You look beautiful!!!

    1. Thank you Ivana! I am indeed planning to wear that dress often! xxx
