Saturday 27 January 2024

January blues

As at the end of January my blog has only just made it to its beginning, it's clear that I've got a lot of catching up to do.

But first things first: I would like to thank you all for your well wishes! I'm glad to report that I've been feeling much brighter this past week as, physically as well as mentally, I seem to be on the mend.

For the sake of continuity, I will have to relive it all though, starting with my first day back at the office on the 2nd of January. Although I didn't exactly relish the early wake-up call, my days of leisure had apparently managed to recharge my batteries even if that pesky cold had done its best to throw a spanner in the works.

The amount of work waiting for me at the office was more than reasonable and as the builders renovating the Art Deco tower building were apparently still enjoying their holidays, it was a haven of peace and quiet for once.

Determined to keep things positive, I ignored the rain which kept falling down in buckets all day, and walked to the nearest Think Twice shop for a browse. The shop in question is in a cul-de-sac with one of the entrances of the recently restored Stock Exchange (Handelsbeurs) at its dead end. 

The ground floor with its beautiful central square is open to the public, but lately only during the school holidays. I instantly abandoned my original plan when to my delight I noticed one of its doors standing wide open.

The original Stock Exchange was opened in 1531, and it was the first one ever built specifically for this purpose, becoming the model for other exchanges all over the world. The original building, which was designed by the Antwerp architect, Domien De Waghemakere (1460-1542), burnt down on two occasions, in 1583 and 1858. 

The architect incorporated a courtyard surrounded on four sides by unusual Moorish arcades. It was originally open to the sky so that God could observe the transactions, but was later roofed over to protect the merchants from the harsh northern climate.

After the last devastating fire in 1858, a new stock exchange was built. 
The current opulent neo-Gothic building was designed by architect Joseph Schadde (1818-1894), who incorporated many of the original building's features, and was completed in 1872.

It went on to serve as a stock exchange until 1997 when most of the business was moved to Brussels. 

Until that time, the courtyard was also used for book markets and events - I remember going to gigs and parties here in the late 1970s  and early 1980s - and the renowned Antwerp Fashion Academy held many of their famous end of year student fashion shows here. Access to the courtyard was eventually closed off for safety and security reasons in the late 1990s, after which it stood empty for almost twenty years.

But then a miracle happened: the city finally found the necessary funds to renovate the building, which took place between 2016 to 2019. 

It was re-opened to the public in October 2019 and if you ever find yourself in Antwerp during the school holidays, it is well worth stepping inside to admire the Moorish arcades, the walls decorated with world maps, the stunning stone columns and the 56 wooden stockbrokers offices.

The figure of the 19th-century architect looks down on the courtyard from a first-floor balcony (below, bottom left).

The metal roof structure has been repainted in its original green rather than the rusty brown shade it was painted in prior to the renovation. This serves to bring out the best in the floral motifs in the roof. They symbolize the goods which were once traded here: barley, grapes, oats, hops, tobacco and cocoa, among others, and thus refer to the original function of the building. 

Here, the architect was well ahead of his time: with their striking ornamental character, these wrought iron structures could be considered a forerunner of Art Nouveau!

The photos were taken on two consecutive days, as it immediately became apparent when I visited on Tuesday that my phone's camera wasn't up to capturing all those magnificent details. I therefore returned on Wednesday, armed with my proper camera.  

As for that browse at Think Twice, I did manage to nip in on Tuesday and find this floral pussy-bow frock.  

It was on the Wednesday that our bosses walked in, paying us a surprise visit from Miami. Although inevitably somewhat exhausting, these visits are usually quite enjoyable, as they are both really nice guys. This time, however, things went a bit pear-shaped, as my colleague and I had quite an unpleasant altercation with them just before they left on Friday. For obvious reasons, I won't be able to go into any kind of detail, but let's just say that my anxiety levels went through the roof and I was down in the dumps for days.

I definitely wasn't feeling up to much on Saturday, so needed lots of colour to get me through the day.

As by now the temperature was on a slippery slope towards freezing point, this thin knit dress of many colours, charity shopped in February 2022,  couldn't have been more perfect for the job. I layered a green long-sleeved t-shirt underneath and was wearing opaques in the same colour, although you need X-ray eyes to see them.

The green wooden necklace is from the Belgian Les Cordes label via the charity shops, and both the darkest green textured leather belt and the waffle knit orange long-line cardigan were old charity shop finds as well. 

Only my tan boots and the little yellow bird brooch were once bought brand new on the high street.

We spent the morning dismantling the tree and banishing it to the basement for another year.

Although initially clearly showing her disappointment, Bess eventually took it into her stride and was happy to have her scratching and climbing posts back where they belong.

Sunday had a dull and grey start, but as the mercury took another dive towards freezing point, the weather gods regaled us with sunny spells and a clear blue sky later in the day.

Both my patterned blue velvet midi skirt and red and navy jumper were found at Think Twice, albeit with several years between them. I couldn't get over how well they got along together!

I can't remember whether the brooch - a girl wearing blue and white and holding a posy of diamanté flowers - was a flea market or charity shop find, but the red beaded necklace was definitely the latter.

The half-elasticated belt with its massive square buckle was picked up from a high street shop near my office in the Autumn of 2022.

As we do every Winter, we have been supplying the winged visitors to our garden with free food. We had been wondering why the left side of our little feeder seemed to be emptying much faster than the one on the right. The mystery was solved while we were having breakfast that morning! In order to avoid the greedy wood pigeons from eating us out of house and home, we have moved the hanging strawberry bucket elsewhere, but still they keep finding ways to get at the feeder.

We went to Jos's son and daughter-in-law for a family get-together in the afternoon. As is the tradition here in Belgium, our 2 and half year old grandson Cas was "reading" his Nieuwjaarbrief (New Year's letter). Children here are expected to write a letter with New Year’s wishes for their parents, godparents and grandparents, which is then read out loud in front of everyone. Obviously, at his very young age, Cas can neither read or write, so it was his Mum, Carolien, who did the honours, with a little help from Cas.

As a reward, he was given presents, ours being puzzles and a Playmobil road sweeper which Bompa (granddad) Jos and Nana Ann dutifully assembled.

In order to close the gap between my blog and the present, I am fast forwarding to the Friday of the next week, the 12th of January. 

In the run-up to the 1st of April, when I can finally start my official 4-day weeks, I am trying to ration my Fridays off so as not to eat into my holiday quota too much. That day, however, I took the afternoon off, to take a rest from what had been an exhausting week and nurse my newly emerged lurgy.

The week had been sunny but cold, with temperatures well below freezing point even during the day. After I had been wearing skirts and jumpers all week, I deemed it time for a dress. 

This Crimplene one, its fabric a mix of polyester, wool and angora, is an old favourite snaffled from a consignment shop several years ago. It's got its original self-fabric belt, which this time I exchanged for the same belt I wore with the dress of many colours. Again, I layered a long-sleeved top underneath.

Apart from my green suede boots, the rest of my outfit were either flea market (ring and bird brooch) or charity shop (cardigan and necklace) finds. 

So, that's all I've got time for now. I'll be back with the rest of the weekend and part of the next one in a handful of days. See you again soon!


  1. How horrible that you had such an unpleasant altercation. Such things stay with you and poison your days.
    The Stock Exchange is truly beautiful.
    The tradition of thanking the important adults in a child's life is so lovely. Long may it last!

    1. How very true it is that things like that poison your days! Thank you for understanding, Janice xxx

  2. Let's put aside the altercation which, I hope, is all water under the bridge now and focus on all the loveliness in your post!
    The stock exchange is absolutely beautiful, I'd love to see it in real life. The photos of you and Jos playing with little Cas are wonderful, Bess is as gorgeous as ever and the pigeon roosting in your hanging basket is hilarious!
    The velvet maxi skirt and retro jumper make for a fabulous outfit as does the groovy striped dress and the Crimplene midi with the shaggy cardi. I look forward to seeing that pussybow dress styled to perfection. xxx

    1. Thank you Vix! It is even more spectacular in real life! I would like to visit the first floor too, but it's only open during exhibitions ... at a price! xxx

  3. That altercation sounds bad. Is there any chance you could find another place of work? You don't seem to be happy where you are.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion Jean, but I won't be looking for another place of work so close to retirement. In fact, if things come to a head, I'd be able to retire end of this year! xxx

  4. Very beautiful photos! I also love vintage clothes! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Despite the altercation, your days seemed to just get better afterwards, especially if you got to spend some time with your loved ones! Your cat, your grandson and the pigeons are all cute in their own way and the protagonists of this post! I love how much details there's always in your outfits but I think I have just fallen in love with the bird brooches, never seen a brooch like that before. Absolutely beautiful finds!

    Wishing you have a lovely Sunday and great start of week! ✨
    XO, Melissa

    1. Thank you for your heart-warming comment Melissa! xxx

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about the altercation. As you are a fellow HSP, I know this will have really upset you and stayed with you for days and I send belated hugs. You know I am hear if you need to talk about it with someone who understands (Whatapp call?) ever. The new year letter is such a lovely one and what a sweet picture.
    I love your new dress. I can't help but think that patterned sweater looks a bit like musical notes! xx

    1. Thank you for being such a lovely friend, Kezzie. It means a lot to me! xxx

  7. the neo gothic "börse" is a real stunner - thank you for taking pictures and even coming back with a proper camera the next day! but its sad that it stands empty - no real use it seems....
    the abstract dress combo is very cool and the warm colours suit you so very well!
    sweet pics of cas and bess!!
    hugs! xxxx

    1. Thanks Beate! The "börse" does have its use though. There are regular events and exhibitions, and there's a restaurant too! xxx

  8. It's been a rough start to the year for you Ann, but your outfits scream positivity. Your bold colour choices are just what's required at this time of year (or any time for that matter!)
    I'm in awe of the Moorish arches of the Stock Exchange. What a stunning building! So glad it's being restored.
    Bess does indeed look a little taken aback to lose her festive climbing tree! ;-D xxx
    P.S. I hope you are feeling better now.

    1. Trying to stay positive which isn't always easy ... I can't believe the metamorphosis the Stock Exchange has gone through since the gigs and wild parties in the 80s! xxx

  9. So glad to hear that you are feeling better now! What excellent news! Heading back to work after the new year festivities can be difficult, but I'm glad the amount of work waiting for you wasn't too overwhelming. Wow...those pictures are incredible. I can't get over the beautiful architecture! What a remarkable place. That floral dress is gorgeous as well. Such a pretty colour! Oh goodness...I am so sorry to hear about the difficult visit from the bosses. It is no wonder you were feeling down after that. I'm so so sorry that happened.

    the creation of beauty is art.

    1. Thank you Shannon! I'm slowly getting over that difficult visit although I've got the feeling that it will never be the same! xxx

  10. Gosh, Ann hope the altercation was sorted out and you're now back on good terms - roll on 1st April and a 4 day week!

    The Stock Exchange building is glorious - so interesting and colourful. If I ever make it to Antwerp I'll make sure to visit it. I loved all your outfits; the zingy dress; the velvet maxi and top made for each other and the very last dress which you accessorised so well with the green. I am in love with your green boots...

    Your grandson has grown so much - how the time flies. I like the tradition for New Year's Eve you have in Belgium for children; I bet the children enjoy the even more presents...

    1. Thanks Vronni! Although we're back on good terms it does leave a bitter feeling. Roll on the 1st of April indeed! xxx

  11. The architecture is absolutely stunning.. my oh my.
    What a sweet tradition of letter writing and sharing.

    1. Thank you Hena, and I'm loving that tradition too! xxx

  12. Oh no, there is nothing worse than an altercation with the bosses when you can't rectify it right away! I'm sorry about the work-stress, and hope it's since be resolved, Ann. Great news that you are feeling better now.

    That stockbrokers is AMAZING. Wow, what a cool place. I love your many colours dress the most of all - I would wear that!

    Lovely to see Miss Bess and your/Jos's grandson too!

    1. Thank you Sheila! It's been semi-resolved but still leaving a bittersweet feeling in its wake ... xxx

  13. Wat een ontzettend mooi gebouw is dit... ha, ik weet waarom ik naar jouw land wil reizen :-)
    Oh ja, en de handelsuitwisseling met de Moorse arcades... absoluut ongelooflijk... op naar Antwerpen.
    Bedankt voor de mooie foto's en informatie en dat je de volgende dag speciaal hiervoor je camera meebracht.
    Bij deze gelegenheid ontdekte ik dat er drie Think Twice-winkels zijn en het MoMu – Modemuseum. Ik denk dat ik er bijna ben :-))))
    Dus nu je nieuwe schatten: Gewoonweg geweldig, hoewel het mij waarschijnlijk niet zou passen, vind ik deze kleurrijke, diagonaal gestreepte jaren 70-jurk geweldig.
    En heeey, de duif is een echte topper want hij zit lekker in de bloempot en eet de zaadjes uit de voerbak. Ik kan alleen maar zeggen: de tafel is gedekt!
    Je foto's met Cas zijn prachtig. Hartelijk dank.
    Ik heb nu een lekkere koffie gedronken en nog een stuk taart gegeten dan ik wilde - vers uit de oven. Ik hou van bakken.
    Hartelijke groeten van Viola

    1. Dankjewel, Viola. Inderdaad, we hebben het MoMu hier, maar er zijn ondertussen maar liefs vijf Think Twice winkels :-) xxx

  14. Love the orange and beige outfits!
    And the Stock Exchange building is gorgeous!! Must have been wonderful to take a look...
    Glad you are feeling better!

    1. Thank you Donna! Visiting the gorgeous Stock Exchange is balm for the eyes and soul! xxx

  15. What a beautiful and wonderful building! I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better. February means only one month to go until spring. The days are getting longer and longer, more sunshine, too. Keep your ears stiff! xxx Regula

    1. Thank you Regula! I can definitely do with more sunshine! xxx

  16. Glad that you're feeling better and sorry that you had to deal with those bad vibes at work (always unpleasant, but really annoying for anybody suffering from anxiety, I understand you very well!). Hope your health keeps improving!
    Lovely outfits indeed!, particularly in love with that colourful & geometric dress and orange and green accessories!.
    Also lovely velvet midi skirt and red jumper, totally agree they're delightfully matchy!. That plaid dress with green accessories is also a fab piece, you styled it fabulously too!
    Thank you for those photos of the magnificent Stock Exchange, so beautiful details!.

    1. Thank you for understanding my anxiety issues Monica! Hurray for colourful outfits and gorgeous architecture! xxx

  17. I'm sorry to hear about your stress situation. I find any kind of confrontation at work very stressful. I hate when my co-workers are arguing, it can ruin my day.

    1. Thank you for understanding, Ivana! I hate any kind of arguing as well. xxx

  18. I'm so sorry to hear work has been stressful I know that feeling only too well, I hope things have settled down by now. I love Saturday's colourful dress and wow the Stiock Exchange building is gorgeous I'm so pleased it's being restored.

    1. Thanks Gisela, things have indeed settled down somewhat by now! xxx

  19. Work stress is horrible.

    I'm glad that beautiful building was restored in the end, it's such a gem.
