Sunday, 26 July 2020

Girl afraid

Hello there? How are you all doing?

Things are still going pear-shaped around here, as the number of infections continues to rise, and I'm back to limiting my news intake to the bare minimum in a bid to stay relatively sane.

Our sorry excuse for a federal government - a temporary emergency one, as they've been bumbling along trying to form a real one since the last general election over a year ago - has left any additional Covid-19 measurements to be taken into the hands of the local councils. As this largely depends on the severity of the local outbreak, as well as the often doubtful intelligence of those in charge, the result is that, for instance, where we live mask wearing is now required in the main shopping streets only, whereas in the village up the road you have to wear one the minute you step out of your front door.

And while on paper this might make perfect sense, in reality, chaos and confusion rule, creating even more of the latter in my already addled brain.

So, if you ask me how I am doing, I have to be honest and tell you that my head is all over the place and that like many of you I could do with some positive news for a change.

But let's have a look at what I've been up to since my last post! 

If everything else seemed to be falling to pieces, the weather did start to look up on Friday before last, even if the sky still insisted on being grey for part of the day.

My choice of outfit was based around this navy, green and white vintage dress. Charity shopped back in March 2018, I love how the skirt is cut on the bias, creating a chevron effect and contrasting with the vertical stripes on the bodice.

I added a green belt which used to belong to another dress, a green beaded necklace and a wooden hexagonal brooch, painted with a pair of cranes contemplating life at the waterside.

Phoebe was doing the same perched atop the plant barrel, supervising the flora and fauna in our garden. 

As Jos's weather app said it might rain, we decided to pay our local charity shop another visit. Situated on the edge of our small town, it was once again a haven of quiet and discipline, and now that mask wearing had become compulsory in shops, it felt even safer than before.

Browsing the clothing aisles, I even found some vintage in the form of the handmade blue floral short-sleeved blouse on the top left. The long-sleeved blouse is from retro label Zoë Loveborn, of which I already have various pieces in my wardrobe.

We then continued up the road to a garden centre-cum-decoration discount shop where we wandered through the outdoor plant section and were seduced by a pink Astilbe, intriguingly named 'Drum and Bass'. We also picked up some garden waste bags. The way to the checkout is through the indoor decoration part of the shop, where we found the green and blue bottles above, which have LED lights and were € 1 each. 

Back at home, we were discussing where to put the Astilbe, when Jos uttered his annoyance about the climbing Nasturtiums I'd sowed back in April. In all honesty, they were completely taking over the border in front of the bench and suffocating some of the other plants in the process. With much pain in my heart, I gave in and removed all but those growing along and up the wall at the other end.

This not only created space for the Astilbe, but also left quite a big gap. So, after lunch, we once again hopped in the car and drove to our usual garden centre, where we bought a variegated Heuchera, a late Summer flowering Anemone hupehensis ‘Hadspen Abundance’ and a Spring flowering Bergenia to keep the Astilbe company in its shady corner.

Noisy neighbours put us off planting them into the garden when we got home, so we decided to leave that for a quieter moment and retreated inside.

There, decluttering of the spare room continued with thoroughly going through the contents of the above drawer unit. Believe it or not, but this too is hidden away in the same corner previously shared by the carpet sweeper and the View-Masters! 

We hadn't looked into those drawers for years, and it turned out to be filled with lots of videos, DVDs and CDs, most of which we'd forgotten we had. We made a selection and filled a big bag for the charity shop with the rest. There was my Dad's video recorder, which we're keeping, and a lot of assorted cables, which were relocated to the basement.

The dolls house on top of the unit was brought back from the UK in 2007. It, as well as its contents which we'd collected over the years, came from various Sue Ryder charity shops.

I'll try to make some detailed photos of each room, which at the moment is difficult to do due to the poor light conditions in its current location. As you can see, it has proper working lights! Also note the ironing board in the bedroom. Not an ironing-shirking Polyester Princess living there, I'm sure!

Things were definitely warming up on Saturday, and we finally got to see some sunshine. It was also peacefully quiet outside, so I donned a sun hat, grabbed my trowel and garden gloves and, after clearing the intended area of any weeds and straggling ivy, I planted out our new acquisitions.

There's a close-up of the Heuchera leaves on the top right, while on the bottom left is Kalimeris 'Nana Blue', which I added to the Clematis border.

Here, the lavender Clematis is doing well and flowering profusely, while the first of the flower globes are opening in the Armeria 'Ballerina Red' (top right). The shaggy Monarda flowers (bottom right) continue attracting bees aplenty and, while our Astrantia's flowering is well and truly over, the straw like flowers are definitely keeping their appeal.

My gardening outfit consisted of a striped jumpsuit, a sales bargain from New Look, under which I layered a red top.  I added a red woven belt, a chunky multi-coloured beaded necklace and a vintage poppy brooch. Gardening done, I exchanged the ankle wellies I was initially wearing for my favourite red Clarks sling-backs.

We slept late on Sunday and woke up to a fairly cloudy day in spite of a sunny forecast.

After our fruit and yoghurt breakfast, we tried to find our get-up-and-go and eventually geared ourselves for a walk in park Den Brandt. This leafy park, based around a romantic castle which was renovated in the late classical style in the 1870s, is just around the corner from the famous Middelheim sculpture park.

Once we'd parked our car, we were joined by the sun. We entered through the adjacent picking garden, where we marvelled at the offerings made to the Gautam Buddha. He was a gift from the Ambassador of Nepal back in 2004, as a token of friendship between Nepal and Belgium.

We then skirted the main part of the domain, where people were sunbathing or doing group exercises on the gently undulating lawns. 

The beautiful marshy area which we found ourselves walking along was looking enchantingly wild and unkempt, and if it wasn't for the joggers who regularly crossed our path - and expecting us mere walkers to jump out of the way - we could have been in the middle of nowhere rather than at the edge of one of Belgium's largest cities.

We found peace and quiet on a green lane lined with benches - all of them empty! - where we had the sandwiches we'd brought.

Continuing on our way, we walked to the outer reaches of the park and then walked a path which climbed on top of a series of a series of bunkers, part of a complex built by the Germans in 1943 as headquarters for the Atlantikwall in Belgium.

We eventually arrived at the other side of the castle, part of which has been turned into a Grand Café.

Noticing an empty row of tables outside, we made a beeline for the central one, where we ordered cappuccinos from a properly masked waiter.

Apart from that, life seemed to be going its usual way here, and we thoroughly savoured the moment.

But of course life isn't going its usual way, far from it, and it's people who keep acting as though it is that are making this girl very afraid indeed.


  1. I understand your fear-people behaving like they're immortal would be bad enough without governments giving them the means to kill everyone else. I'm glad you were able to get out for a bit, even if it is a long way from normal.

    That's a beautiful doll house. I'll look forward to a closer view when the light cooperates.

    1. Thank you Goody! Trying to go for walks, preferably where there aren't many people about, as much as possible. Working on that closer view of the dolls house! xxx

  2. I love your striped jumpsuit and the dolls house looks so interesting! It's a shame that things are so confusing for you and cases are on the rise! We still don't have to wear masks here, but they are talking about it in another state and it's the law in a state that has a pretty bad outbreak at the moment. Things change so much it's definitely hard to stay on top of it all!

    Hope that you had a lovely weekend! :) We had a nice day yesterday at the photo studio picking out some photos after our family photo shoot last week!

    Away From Blue

    1. Thanks Mica! We're all having to wear masks here now, as soon as we leave the house, so I've been stocking up on some more to have a bit of variation. Must have been exciting picking out photos from your family photo shoot! xxx

  3. This is a very cute doll house and I love the striped Jumpsuit 😄
    Great you had coffee in the park. Thank you for this walk with you.
    Beware a hood mood and stay healthy! With a huge hug Tina

    1. Thank you Tina! Trying to keep my spirits up as much as I can! xxx

  4. Ohh Ann, I know how you feel. I won’t watch anything at all!! except you tube, bbc I player and Netflix, it’s all doom and gloom, I am still recovering and I have no idea we’re it came from !!! It’s a bit of a mystery!!!!
    My husband is very good at Protecting me. I love a good jumpsuit I own loads. Beautiful pictures as always. Take care and keep safe xx

    1. Thank you Allie Jane. I'm still avoiding the news as much as I can, it's so depressing. I've got a bit of a thing for jumpsuits, but so far my collection is limited to five :-) xxx

  5. Great title!
    I'm loving the jumpsuit on you and the chevron striped dress.
    Funnily enough the Belgian government have been used as an example of showing great clarity by only imposing quarantine on travellers who return from specific regions of Spain as opposed to an overnight blanket quarantine like our idiot government have.
    Lovely to see Phoebe and the doll's house - I remember them in Sue Ryder and the furniture packs. They're a nightmare to photograph though, aren't they? I've had a few requests for me to share my houses on the blog but since I moved them to shelves its nigh-on impossible.
    I'm glad you managed a lovely walk and fund a few treasures in the chazza. I'm intrigued by the Drum & Bass plant, I might have to buy one for Jon 'cos he loves the musical genre!
    Stay safe and sane! xxx

    1. I knew you'd get the title :-) Surprised that our government has been used as an example. That must be a first! We'll have to move that doll's house somewhere else in order to photograph it properly. Of course, mine is nothing compared to yours! xxx

  6. It’s good you are able to get out onto nature Ann, it will help your headspace.
    The nearest town to us and where my mum lives and shops has come under special measures as it is showing the highest levels of the disease. We never go to the town much preferring our little nearby markets. I do worry for mum though but can’t stop her going out.
    My auntie Gladys was a lover of nasturtiums and would put them in her salad. She liked the peppery taste.
    Today we had planned a trip to the seaside but yet again it is raining hard so we will try again tomorrow.
    I hope you manage to keep your anxiety under control Ann, I know how hard it can be. A day at a time my friend and take pleasure in the little things. Lots of love xxx

    1. Thank you Lynn! I'd worry for my Mum too, and somehow I'm glad that she doesn't have to live through this. With her being at high risk due to kidney disease, it would nave been a constant worry. Glad to say I'm feeling a lot better, although these things do come and go! xxx

  7. I think everyone should wear a mask as soon as we leave our houses Ann. It's very up in the air here in the UK too. You have some beautiful flowers. Is the purple a minature geranium? Ans the striped jumpsuit looks fabulous on you xx

    1. Thank you Laurie! We are now having to wear masks at all times. Takes some getting used to but it's a small effort! xxx

  8. It's nice that you are able to go out and about and explore such lovely gardens and parks.
    What a pretty doll house!

    1. Thank you Hena! I'll try and show a bit more of the inside of the doll's house some time! xxx

  9. Hello Ann. I'm sad to hear all is not going so well on your end. Things are going pear shaped here too as the numbers of cases continue to rise. The government has made very clear that anyone going out in public must wear a mask, but sadly there are those who refuse to. Some even declaring that it is their constitutional right not to. I can only guess that these people are not coping very well 'cause it seems a very dysfunctional reaction.

    Anyway, onto brighter matters ....... your outfits are delightful. The blue and green dress is lovely with its chevron pattern and you look great in the jumpsuit.

    Your nasturtiums made me giggle - they do have a tendency to cover everything which is fantastic if you need a weed suppressant.

    What a stunning doll's house you have. I always love a sticky nose inside any I come across. I also like your recent finds in the charity shop.

    Thank you for the tour of the gardens. Stay safe and have a lovely week.

    1. Thank you Suzy! I'm pleased to say that as far as I can see the regulation to wear masks all the time in public is being followed up really well. Of course, there are always those who think the rules are not for them :-( Those Nasturtiums are indeed incredible, even those few I've left have now claimed the entire corner! xxx

  10. Our government aren’t doing a great job either. It doesn’t help to receive unclear guidance in a worrying time. I feel that we’ve been left largely to make up our own minds about what to do, the government then follows this up by making rules around what people appear to already be doing, talk about the cart leading the horse.
    I’m getting my positive news from family and friends, sharing the nice bits of life - my pea crop, the sunflowers that have bloomed, sightings of our little garden hare. I’ve stopped looking at the bigger picture for now and have decided that peace can be found in the everyday little things.
    Your garden lights are lovely, and what a bargain! They’ll look super in your garden.
    The dolls house is lovely, I’ll look forward to seeing more.
    Your walk around park Den Brandt must’ve been very restorative, it sounds relaxing, not to mention beautiful.

    1. Thank you Hazel! I do hope our government has now learned its lesson and won't be relaxing the rules too soon once cases have dropped again. Finding peace and positivity in the small everyday things is the best we can do. xxx

  11. I can relate to what you feel. Everything is so confusing these days, one doesn't know what to think. I haven't been feeling that great either, I have a bad cold and now my husband is sick too. I'm really low on energy. I can't wait to get back at work as that might take my mind of things.
    I love your striped jumpsuit. Pairing it with red heels and belt was such a great idea.
    Your navy blue, green and white dress is a beauty. I love the green accessories. Blue and green is one of my fav combos.

    1. Thank you Ivana, and I do hope you and your husband are feeling better by now. I'm OK with only working two days a week, but I must admit these two days do tend to take my mind off things! xxx

  12. Park Den Brandt is a beautiful place. Nice that you have had the chance to visit. I love the pink and blue combo you wore. The pink dress is so very pretty.

    1. Thank you my dear. We are lucky to have quite a few parks near where we live. xxx

  13. It's the constantly changing messages that don't help isn't it?
    The photo of Phoebe next to the flowers is lovely, both she and they look beautiful.
    You look very striking in your jumpsuit and red shoes. I do love red shoes, my favourite.
    Your day out and cafe visit look very relaxing, just the ticket to cheer up a low mood.
    Hope your week is going well, take care. xxx

    1. That's it indeed, Sally. They've now issued stricter regulations again, and I'm OK with that. At least now things are more or less clear. I do love red shoes too, and this pair, charity shopped during last year's UK holiday, are my favourites. xxx

  14. Replies
    1. Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment! xxx

  15. Oh, hugs to you, Ann, this is such a stressful time when one is a sensitive person. I'm struggling too, and am having to limit my news intake - and my city is still doing fine. But it's the complete lack of mask-wearing in so many places that makes me most anxious. At times it doesn't feel like it will ever get better.

    Love your bright clothes (excellent colour therapy!), and so many soothing pictures of all the gorgeous flowers in your garden. I spy Ms. Phoebe looking regal.

    I'm intrigued by the dollhouse (I had one as a child that my mom made).

    Take care, my dear friend!

    1. I knew you'd understand, Sheila, thank you! Glad to hear your city is still doing fine. We now have to wear masks all the time in public, and this seems to be followed up very well, which is a relief! xxx P.S. I had a doll house which my Dad made. It was based on our actual home. I'd love to still have that!

  16. Hello Ann , sorry to hear that you are feeling overwhelmed by the constant changes made worse through inconsistent government messages. Take care and follow your own plan .
    Your bright and cheery outfits must raise your spirits , they certainly made me smile. I do enjoy seeing your Summer flowers and a peek at the area in which you live , its lovely.
    Take care, lovely lady.

    1. Thank you Jill, and I'm glad my outfits made you smile! Feeling much better now that restrictions are a bit more clear here, even if I have to wear a mask every time I'm leaving the house! xxx

  17. Oh that doll house!!!! And in the UK they have the best furniture and all for doll houses. At Hever castle you have those mini castle with interior, have you seen that? I love it. My father ,,builts,, places in his city with miniature cars, trains and all. I just love it! I heard on the news this morning that in Antwerpen you are not aloud to go out in the evening. How awful is that! Being in nature is the best thing to do right now. It relaxes the mind!

    1. Oh, they certainly do, Nancy! I remember that miniature castle! Well, I'm sure we were on the news over there. They are, of course, making it sound far worse that it actually is. xxx

  18. Totally agree about limiting news intake and also about local governments playing havoc (because of selfish interests) and 'the often doubtful intelligence of those in charge'. Totally Agree.
    Anyway, it's lovely to see you looking so fab in your cute dresses. This blue and green one is such a beauty, its print is particularly cool!, and love this color combo and the brilliant accessorizing.
    You totally rock your gardening outfit, so Fabulous and Colorful!. Looking gorgeous!. Love the pops of red!
    Lovely walk through this beautiful park!, it looks so refreshing to be outside for a nice walk and have a coffee too!. Totally my kind of thing!

    1. Thank you Monica! I'm so glad there's now a general rule on mask wearing all the time in public. At least, it is in the province of Antwerp, and things are different in other parts of Belgium! It was so nice going for an impromptu cappuccino! xxx
