Wednesday 24 February 2021

Snowblind and frost-bitten

Yes, I know I am late to the party, as every last trace of the Winter Wonderland we were treated to in the second week of February has long gone by now. In fact, Winter was replaced by Spring almost overnight in the last couple of days, the temperatures soaring to unheard of heights for the time of year.

Before the big meltdown, however, I'm taking you back to the deep freeze we found ourselves living in that week.

Saturday's snowfall was briefly interrupted on Sunday, but the sub-zero temperatures - we were down to -5°C and less in the daytime - had turned the carpet of snow into solid ice by Monday morning, transforming  streets and pavements into a giant ice skating rink.

Fortunately, most of our neighbours had done their snow clearing duties on Sunday, so that we managed to make it to the garage without sustaining injuries, and as all major roads had been gritted, driving into Antwerp wasn't the arduous journey we'd initially feared.

Powdery snow fell from a slate grey sky all through Monday, the sky matching my mood after the weekend's ordeal, but work was relentless and thus a blessing in disguise.

My heart leapt for joy when I drew the curtains to bright sunshine on Tuesday morning, even though she was no match for the -7°C the day had in store for us.

We had no plans for the day other than being gentle with our battered souls, so my first task after our usual fruit & yoghurt breakfast was a pleasurable one, picking out my outfit for the day.

A rummage through the linen chest unearthed this textured polyester dress which for lack of space was still languishing inside its out-of-season vacuum bag. 

Yet another € 2 Think Twice sales bargain, I fell in love with its groovy print of yellows and browns - once likened to a variety box of chocolates by Jos - which is joined by a solid brown collar and ditto cuffs and buttons. A brown round-buckled snakeskin patterned belt was added at my waist, and a vintage Scottie dog brooch pinned to the dress's bodice. Other accessories were a wood, plastic and metal beaded necklace, and a green crochet turban - a handmade gift from my friend Inneke - to keep my ears warm and my hair in check.

Further warmth was provided by a faux fur collared waistcoat (an ancient high street buy), burnt orange opaques and the chocolate brown boots which kick-started my recent luck at the charity shops in that department.

While Jos went to the newsagent's and replenished the bird feeders, I repaired a torn seam in the blouse I’d been wearing the previous week, did some light dusting in the hallway and marvelled at the sunlight streaming in through our spare room windows, casting a bird and curlicue pattern on Twiggy's face.

After lunch, the continuing sunshine lured us outside for a stroll through the local park. 

This was easier said than done, as it required adding layers.

I started by replacing the full slip I was wearing underneath the dress by one with a cozy flannel lining. When I was putting my dress back on, one of its buttons popped off and rolled under the linen chest where it hid in its dark depths.  Aided by a torch, we eventually managed to locate and retrieve it, so that I was able to sew it back in place.

I added a chunky cardigan on top, and replaced my 60 den opaques by a pair of fleece-lined ones Kezzie sent me a couple of years ago, putting an extra pair of socks on top before donning my snow boots.

The park is only a leisurely 10 minute stroll from Dove Cottage but might have taken just that little bit longer as some of the pavements weren't cleared and thus in a slippery state.

Without the aid of our walking sticks, which we keep in the boot of our car, we had to tread carefully, not just en route but also in the park itself, where we found that our best option was to stick to the carpet of snow instead of walking on the designated paths.

My Princess coat was joined by my woolly turban, still adorned with the flower corsage I pinned to it in January, a fluffy yellow eternity scarf and a pair of ochre leather gloves.

My new-to-me cross-body cork bag has already more than proved its worth, as it has been on constant rotation when out and about on non-office days ever since I brought it home about a month ago. It's just big enough for my purse, mask case, bottle of hand sanitizer and phone.

It was still bitterly cold on Wednesday, which was a reasonably quiet office day for once. There's nothing of note to tell you about it, except perhaps for the fact that the days are noticeable lengthening. While there was still a trace of lingering darkness in the sky when we left home that morning, we were able to drive home in broad daylight.

The sun was doing overtime that week, as she was still gracing us with her presence on Thursday, and would continue to do so for the rest of the week.

At the same time, there was still no sign of any improvement in temperature, so that my warmest Winter clothes continued to have their work cut out. 

I last wore this plaid woollen skirt for a rare meet-up with friends back in January. There are similarities too with the jumper I wore back then, although the embroidered flowers on this purple one aren't nearly as elaborate. Same as in the January outfit, I defined my waist by belting the jumper, the mauve fabric belt in question again belonging to one of my dresses. 

I'm sure the necklace with its crochet covered beads needs no further introduction, as I've been wearing it a lot lately.

My red knitted headband is fleece-lined and was an emergency purchase while on holiday in Zeeland in November 2019.

As Thursday had been heralded as one of the week's best days, we'd planned a longer walk in one of the ex-clay pit nature reserves in the area, Walenhoek, which is about 10 kilometers from where we live.

One of our old walking haunts, illegal fishing and subsequent barbecuing, and the inevitable littering which followed in their wake, had kept us away for many years. In fact, we only just started going there again last Summer, when we found things much improved.

The lake which we'd used as a backdrop for outfit photos back in July, with me wearing a sleeveless cotton Summer dress, was now frozen solid, as demonstrated by Jos on the top right. I fully admit that I wasn't brave enough to walk on water, not even for half a minute.

I'd swapped Tuesday's turban for a plain black one, which I wore on top of the fleece-lined headband. Instead of my leather gloves, I wore black knitted sleeveless ones, which made photography quite a bit easier.  

As the reserve is established on the site of an abandoned clay pit, there's the odd relic from the past hidden among the wilderness, poignant remnants from its working heyday. 

This industrial ruin, with its picturesquely peeling and rusty red door, is an old electricity cabin, a fact which is given away by its bilingual - French and Flemish - danger of death warning.

Initially we hardly met a soul apart from the odd dog walker or couple making the most of this gorgeously sunny day like we did. However, about half-way through our circuit, peace and quiet was disrupted by the arrival of a rather noisy group of children accompanied by their teacher, which made us flee along a path we'd never walked before. Here, the rutted clay was frozen solid which didn't make for easy walking, although I can imagine the mud reigning here at other times would be much worse and would probably have made us turn heel.

The track merged with one of the main paths skirting the domain. At one point, there is a tiny peninsula jutting into the largest of the lakes, with a very covetable bench set at its edge. We couldn't believe our luck when we found the bench empty for once - a first! - and what's more, as it was in full sunshine, it was completely dry.

We sat there for a good 15 minutes, basking in the sun's warmth and admiring the magnificent lakescape in front of us, the sunlight bouncing off the half frozen lake almost blinding us. And no, my feet didn't reach the ground, a fact which Jos seemed to find hilarious.

By now, I'm sure you've noticed the fabulous fur hat Jos was wearing. It was a gift from one of his former colleagues, who brought it back from China about 35 years ago. It's a trapper style hat with ear covering flaps that can be tied up on top. Isn't it wonderful?

With our reasonably mild winters, it has been many a year since it has last come out of hiding, and I don't think it has ever made it to my blog. 

After an hour or two we arrived back at the car park feeling refreshed in body and soul. 

There would be two more days of sub-zero temperatures in store for us, after which the mercury climbed rapidly, and thaw set in. But that will be for next time.

Until then, as always, I'm imploring you to stay safe, sane and fabulous!


  1. That outfit for the park is adorable. I've also been venturing to parks during this harsh Winter. It's an unusual experience, as you describe. Very few people, nature is different, and it's physically challenging. Kudos to you for going outside in the cold.

    1. Thank you Ally, I loved every minute of our snowy walks! xxx

  2. Oooh, I really love that faux fur waistcoat, and a cork handbag too.
    Beautiful park you've taken us to this time.

    1. Thank you Goody! I've had that waistcoat for absolutely ages but hadn't worn it in a while. That cork handbag must be one of my best recent finds! xxx

  3. The eternity scarf and gloves add a beautiful contrast to your park outfit.

  4. snow and ice and sun together make for a lot of serotonin and vitamin D :-D
    this is why i love a propper winter. and i stop feeling cold if the temps go under -5°C......
    great cold weather attire! you look very cosy - and jos too in his "tschapka" - this is what we call this kind of fur hat originated in russia. back in the days everybody had one, but mostly in fake fur als the real deal was very expensive.
    hugsies! xxxx

    1. Thank you Beate! I have to agree that I didn't feel the cold either. Quite the contrary, I was positively glowing! xxx

  5. your winterwonderland looks like a secret fairy tale garden. Amazing pictures.
    You both look fabulous in your cosy winterlooks.
    with a very huge hug Tina

    1. Thank you Tina, I agree it does look straight out of a fairytale :-) xxx

  6. I'm glad the real cold is gone now, this is more my kind a weather. I love Jos'hat. Gerben had such one, from his work, not such a beautiful one as Jos', and I wore it when it was so cold. Wow, those hats are realy warm! I want one now too!

    1. I'm not a big fan of cold weather either, but I did love that the snow was accompanied by the sun. Such a joy to be outside on days like this! xxx

  7. You're a braver woman than I , Ann! When we had those plummeting temperatures a fortnight ago I didn't leave the house for a week! You both look fabulous in your seldome worn winter attire. Jos's trapper hat looks fabulous - we do a roaring trade in vintage soviet ones at festivals, they're the best!
    Your snow photos might be late but they were well worth the wait! It sounds like you've been going great guns with the repairs, too and the case of the rolling button sounds like something that happens a lot in this house, too! xxx

    1. Thank you Vix! I actually don't mind the snow and plummeting temperatures as long as they're joined by sunshine. It was an absolute joy going for a walk in it. Plus, it gave us a chance to wear our seldom worn winter attire :-) xxx

  8. The views on your hike and the photographs you took are so beautiful. I love your outfits. Starting with the first one that is so perfect for the cold weather that now seems far away. The faux fur waistcoat is lovely. I also like the dress you paired with it- with that fabulous print of yellows and browns. Nice belt and brooch as well. I also really like that green crochet turban that was a gift from your friend Inneke...aren't handmade gifts the best? They always feel extra special. I also like your purple styling.
    Take care!

    1. Thank you so much Ivana! You are right, handmade gifts are the best. My friend knows me so well, crocheting that turban in my favourite green! xxx

  9. Your snowy vistas are beautiful - great photos, Ann! I love your snuggly outfits, top to toe. You look regal in your coat and yellow scarf. I noticed Jos' hat right away - it looks nice and warm. I hear you're going through a heatwave right now - it must have felt odd to write this!

    1. Thank you Sheila! I loved those snowy vistas. I'm not sure it was a heatwave exactly, but almost 20°C compared to nearly -10°C is quite exotic! xxx

  10. Helloo! I'm new so I'll be very happy if you read my blog and tell me what you think! Thanks!

    1. I'd love to, but would need a bit of interaction from your side first. You never even told me what you think of my blog! xxx

  11. The light looks beautiful in that last photo! It's nice despite the snow you were still able to get out and about - and still dress so warmly and colourfully too! I really like that first dress with the yellows and browns and the purple knit is a really nice pairing with the grey tartan skirt :)

    Hope that you are having a good weekend :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Thank you Mica! The light was so beautiful that I couldn't stop making photos. I had a hard time making a selection for the blog! xxx

  12. That Scottie brooch is surely one of the cutest and sweetest ever created. What an adorable vintage accessory.

    Things are warming up (relatively speaking!) a bit here, too. The bone-chilling arctic cold front that battered our area for the better part of three weeks, dropping temps nearly to -30C, has started to abate and we've ever had a few moments of sunshine this week. Far too soon to call winter over yet around these parts, but a wholly welcome taster, so to speak, of the springtime weather that's waiting around the corner for us.

    Many hugs & wishes for a serene, wonderful weekend.

    Autumn Zenith šŸ§” Witchcrafted Life

    1. Thank you Autumn! I do agree the Scottie brooch is a dear. I seem to have a penchant for Scotties. Brr, - 30°C sounds bitterly cold to me. xxx

  13. Thank goodness the cold snap has gone. Minus degree temperatures are pretty horrible but it's all made nearable if the sun shines as it did for you! I loved both your outfits; the dress is unusual with its solid colour collar and cuffs. The Scotty brooch was very sweet!

    Jos' hat was perfect for the weather and I'm glad you managed to get out for a walk even if you didn't walk on water!

    Take care

    1. Thank you Vronni! I enjoyed the couple of days of cold but sunny weather, but I was still glad it started warming up again. I'm sure it would have been perfectly safe to walk on that pond, but I didn't want to take any risks :-) xxx

  14. I love those bright cold days a d you've captured them perfectly. Jos's trapper hat is perfect for the occasion. They do say that there's no such thing as bad weather just the wrong clothes and you two both look toasty.
    It's been gorgeous here today, warm enough to work in the garden sans coat. A false spring it may be but welcome nonetheless. Hope you're both having a lovely weekend

    1. I'm sure they are right, and that's why I have clothes for every season. Although many a Winter my cold weather clothes do not even leave the suitcase they're packed in. I'm glad they got an outing this year! xxx

  15. Hello Ann, I am glad your weather has improved for you. Although that said I so enjoyed your snow pictures. You two are hardy souls venturing out but you both were suitably and stylishly attired. I did spy Jos's hat , it does look so cosy.Hope this weekend it going well. xxx

    1. Thank you Jill! I like the thought of Jos and I being hardy souls! xxx

  16. What a difference the sun makes! :-) I wish you a sunny Sunday and week. xxx Regula

    1. It does indeed. It makes everything - or at least almost everything - better! xxx

  17. Beautiful photos of the park under the snow! I like the combination of the tartan skirt with a sweater, colored by the lively crochet necklace! Have a good week, Ann!

    1. Thank you Carmela, I'm glad you enjoyed my snowy photos! xxx

  18. Lots of lovely photos of this magnificently quiet landscape in the Winter sunshine, and of you looking fab in your cute&cosy coats!. Love particularly your turbans and Jos' hats.
    Love your groovy print dress with the fur vest and cute Scottie Dog brooch, you always create such a brilliant accessorizing!

    1. Thank you so much, Monica! It was heavenly walking in this quiet landscape, without the need of doing the Covid dance every five minutes :-) xxx
