Wednesday 8 July 2020

Taking a rain check

The mini-heatwave of the last week of June has come and gone and left much cooler weather in its wake, with no shortage of showers and a tempestuous wind.

By Tuesday before last, Summer had done a disappearing act and, quite worryingly, had taken along a good chunk of my positivity, leaving me with a bit of a wobble. Monday's office day had been rather hectic and, in spite of a good night's sleep, I was still feeling tired in the morning. On top of that, the merest thing seemed to cause tiny tears to flow.

I'm happy to say that my mood improved greatly during the day. Still, I ended up looking red-eyed and puffy-faced in most of the outfit photos we took, so it isn't a coincidence that I'm not facing the camera in the photos I selected for this post.

My Diolen frock might have been a great help in cheering me up that day, with its joyful red, lime green and sky blue floral print. I bought it several years ago from a delightful shop in Antwerp called Vintage Styling, which sadly stopped trading in 2016. Incidentally, the beads I'm wearing came from another shop which closed down around the same time. Losing those two shops within only a couple of months was a real blow to the system back then!

Both the C&A polka dot cardigan and the sky blue double-pronged belt were charity shopped while the dragonfly brooch was a flea market find. 

The grey and rainy day was briefly interrupted by a sunny episode. Still not much in the mood for anything at all, I walked into the garden and spotted a flash of orange on one of the Echinacea flowers. Intrigued, I tiptoed closer and was met with the sight of a beautiful spotty butterfly with exquisitely scalloped wings. I turned heel and ran inside for my camera, fully expecting it to be gone upon my return. But it wasn't, and what's more, it willingly posed for a series of snaps, even allowing me to come really close.

Not knowing the first thing about butterflies, I found an online butterfly identification guide which told me it was a Comma (Polygonia c-album).

The encounter with the Comma had made me feel somewhat better, but unfortunately any further garden explorations were cut short by the arrival of more rain.

After lunch, I pottered around upstairs, reorganizing some of my stuff and trying to come up with better storage solutions. Apart from my wardrobes (note the plural!) and a chest of drawers, I have several vintage suitcases, beauty cases and baskets which hold smaller items like socks, tights, belts and underwear. My vintage slips and half slips live in a small suitcase, but as I wanted easier access to the ones I'm using the most, I was looking for a handy bag or basket, some of which are stored in yet another suitcase.

I soon found a suitable bag, a tapestry one with cats, which I forgot to photograph, but here are some of the others I came across, some of which I'm ashamed to admit I'd completely forgotten about.

These are just part of my collection of baskets. All but one were charity shopped (the top left one from a shop in Bridgnorth, Shropshire). The vintage basket on the bottom right came from one of the shops which closed down in 2016.

These bags and purses were all from Think Twice, except for the red one with the raffia flowers on the bottom right, which was a fairly recent charity shop find from just before lockdown.

Again, three of these beauties are Think Twice finds. The one on the bottom right, however, is rather special, as it was a gift from Vix

I think it's high time I give it another outing. In fact, all but a handful of baskets, totes and handbags are in current use, as I simply don't have that many places to take them to.

If my memory serves me right, the blue and pink bamboo-handled bag was also from one of those long-gone vintage shops. The elongated wicker handbag on the top right was a charity shop find. We picked up the green, pink and cream raffia bag from one of our favourite flea market sellers, while the small black crocheted bag was yet again from Think Twice.

Wednesday's office day was a veritable washout of a day, with non-stop rain from dawn until late afternoon. I was at my desk at 7.30 as I needed to take time off around lunch break to go to the hairdresser's. It's such a relief to be able to go for regular cuts again. 

A sunny start of the day on Thursday and I'm happy say I was in a much sunnier frame of mind by now.

Browsing through my dresses, I was drawn to the gorgeous blue colour of this Diolen dress with its sprinkling of yellow, orange and white flowers. I have its twin in 

I was debating whether to add a belt or not, in the end opting for a zebra print one, a retail bargain back in November last year. Trawling through my blog, I was quite amazed at how many time it has been worn already.

The vintage daisy brooch was from the Brooch Lady, while the bangle and bracelet were both charity shop finds. I can't remember where the beads, which always remind me of bubble gum balls, came from, but it might again be from one those closed down vintage shops.

The morning was spent doing some well-needed deadheading and tidying up in the garden. 

I'd been eyeing the Nasturtium seeds I'd sown in empty loo rolls back in May, as a safety net in case the ones I'd sown directly into the garden didn't materialize.They had all come up so it was about time I did something with the poor loo roll plants. Casting around for a suitable receptacle I hit upon the idea of planting them in a leaking watering can which was wasting away in the passageway. As the bottom had split, drainage was assured!

I hardly had time to finish the job before it starting pelting down again.

When I mentioned Jos's gooseberry jam in a blog post the other week, Suzy commented that she thought it would be yummy on scones. Never known to dismiss a good idea, we added self-raising flour to Jos's shopping list for that day, as the bag lurking a the back of our store cupboard turned out to be well past its use-by date. We should really make an effort to do more baking, as we actually both love it.

Although we are in possession of a food processor, inherited from my Dad, we opted to make the dough by hand. We've been using the same tried and tested recipe for years and it has never once let us down. They might look what we call a bit "rustic" but I can assure you they're delicious.

We had a lovely tea-time treat two days running, putting generous dollops of cream on top of the jam. As we always make far too many, we put the rest of the scones in the freezer for a rainy day.

The weather continued to thwart our gardening plans for the rest of the weekend.

If you've got proper Summer weather where you are, please do send some our way!

I'll be back in a couple of days as usual, but in the meantime, do stay safe and sane!


  1. Love the newly cut hair and the fab outfits. The blue dress with the orange cardigan was simply lovely and my favourite of the three; closely followed by the first one.

    I was dribbling over your bags! I do love a nice straw bag and as for your tapestry bags how beautiful are they? What a fab collection you have.

    Aah, clothes storage issues. Me too. Socks in a pretty bag; tights in a wicker bag and small suitcase under the bed. Handbags in a container under the bed; walking gear in a container under the bed...oh how I wish I could have it all in one place together!

    I do hope you have some brighter weather - I think we have some on the way for the weekend.

    Take care

    1. Thank you Vronni! Secretly, I am a rather relieved I'm not the only one with clothes storage issues. I have my handbags stored in no less than four different places. Perhaps this should tell me I have too many of them :-)

  2. Yay, a haircut! Doesn't it feel great? I love your pretty dresses here - hurrah for clothes that lift our spirits. I've been feeling very low lately also, and work is becoming stressful with the pending return of people to my office.

    I liked getting a glimpse of all of your bags! I have so few (comparably - I'm sure my small collection is massive compared to some!), and I found myself wishing for one of those nice wicker/straw ones.

    What a lovely surprise to find that orange butterfly! It's like a little bit of happiness.

    Your scones have me drooling! I used to make baking powder biscuits frequently, but ate them all - I had to quit!

    I hope you have a good week, my dear. Here's hoping you get some more sun.

    1. It was my second haircut since the salon re-opened. With my short hair, I need one every 4-5 weeks. This time, it was a bit more relaxed as no colouring was involved. Regarding the bags, I'm afraid I have to tell you I have many more. These were just my wicker baskets and totes ... xxx

  3. I'm with you on feeling low lately. Melbourne has gone into lockdown caused by an increase in CV19 cases and watching the news just fills me with anxiety. Plus on top of that, my dad's health is struggling, having recently been put into a nursing home. The headache of all of this gave me chest pains which landed me recently in hospital too! All fun and games around here!

    Anyway, enough about me! You have one VERY MIGHTY GOOD LOOKING bag collection there! I'm fond of wicker baskets but your tapestry bags take it up a notch. And how lovely was Vix to gift you one too.

    All very pretty dresses, my favourite being the blue one which looks perfect with the orange cardigan. Bright colours really suit you. I've said this many times: zebra/leopard print belts go with everything.

    Look at you baking away! Your scones look amazing. I'm glad you're of the 'jam on the bottom, cream on top' club. Bon apetite!

    1. It was on the news here that Melbourne has gone into lockdown again. My first thoughts went to you and your lovely family. So sorry to hear your Dad's not well and I'm not surprised all of this added up resulting in anxiety and chest pains. I do hope things get a bit better for you soon. As for the scones, I am obviously of the 'jam on the bottom, cream on top' club. If it's good enough for the Queen and all that ... xxx

  4. A haircut will do wonders to lift a mood. So will those bags and baskets. My goodness, they're all so beautiful. I'm loathe to take any good bags out on my once a fortnight trip to the store as I have to wipe everything down when I get home. I've been using my 70s vinyl handbags-always knew they were practical but didn't expect to be wiping them with alcohol!

    I have been in and out of my moods as well. It IS bloody hard dealing with this month after month. It will end eventually, but in the moment is is tough stuff to deal with.

    Your scones look delicious. I never could make a scone that wasn't tough, so I'll just admire yours from here.

    1. Thanks Goody! Most of those bags as well as my 'proper' handbags, haven't seen the light of day for months. I've only got a handful of wipeable ones on constant rotation. xxx

  5. Ahh clothes and haircuts certainly do lift the spirits, I go next week for a much needed cut.
    My BDP has been all over the place, anxiety and sleepless nights, endless clock watching, watching the storms that are currently raging japan, are doing nothing to ease my mind.
    Sorting out my bulging wardrobe has tough, the endless cull, heartless but necessary. I love a good vintage leather handbag.
    Take care and keep safe

    1. I do agree, Allie Jane, and I can totally understand your BDP being all over the place. My anxiety attacks have somewhat abated and I'm pleased to say that I've been sleeping well, but as I'm hypersensitive, the merest thing seems to set me off. The worst thing for me is having no perspective. Keep safe! xxx

  6. i would - but its always the other way round: your rainy weather comes across the continent to us within a few days :-D but i´m thankful - i do not have to water the veggies!
    your baking looks delicious and its always better to make the dough by hand, better for the final product and esp. better for ones soul. kneeding dough is similar to digging in the garden soil.....
    btw: sometimes i´m build near the water too - lately i got teary eyed only by reading in the newspaper that the wolves in the nearbey wood have babies - love this animals but know how many people hate them.

    your garden and your dresses are both very lovely in its flowery galore!
    and you summer bags are gorgeous, love the vintage baskets and the wicker purse - thought it was a clutch.
    halt die ohren steif! hugsies!! xxxxx

    1. Not having to water the garden is an advantage, I agree, but still ... I also agree on the similarity between kneading dough and digging the soil, both being beneficial for the soul. Oh, and the merest thing seems to get the waterworks going with me. I have that a the best of times and even more so now! I love the expression 'halt die ohren steif!'. I'll do my best :-) xxx

  7. I hope you are well Ann. You have wonderful summer bags and your scones lookes very delicous. I would like to have an afternoontea now :))
    A very huge hug Tina

    1. Thank you Tina! Now that we've got scones in the freezer, we can have afternoon tea whenever we fancy :-) xxx

  8. I feel your pain, we've had more or less continuous rain since Tuesday morning and it doesn't half sap your enthusiasm for life. I'm so sorry you were reduced to tears.
    Both your dresses are fabulous, love the choice of the zebra print belt on the blue dress and the dragonfly brooch.
    As a trained chef I've never used a food processor, it's cheating! The joy of baking is getting your hands dirty. Isn't it funny how we both made scones this week? Yours look fantastic, rustic is always best.
    What a wonderful array of bags. I loved seeing your collection, it's almost as good as your brooch archive.
    Great idea with the old watering can, anything's a planter in our garden if it stays still for long enough.
    Here's to a happier week ahead! xxx

    1. Thank you Vix! I tried several belts on that dress, and nothing seemed right until I tried to zebra print one! We'd never have bought a food processor if we hadn't inherited my Dad's. We never seem to use it. I love getting my hands dirty, that's just the fun of it! I've got another old watering can waiting for a makeover! xxx

  9. I love echinacea and it makes good immune boosting tea.
    Your bags are drool worthy, what a great collection.
    Both dresses look the epitome of summer, even if the weather isn't playing ball!
    A homemade cream tea is a real treat and your scones look scrumptious.
    Wishing you a happy weekend Ann. xxx

    1. I know, but I have to admit I've never tried to make tea from it. I'll have to look it up. There are more bags, which might feature in a future post if the weather keeps playing foul ... xxx

  10. Bag envy! The scones look delicious.xx

    1. Thanks Gisela! I definitely had bag envy when I saw yours too! xxx

  11. Before I forget, those Hydrangeas look gorgeous as do the Echinacea!! Sorry to hear you have been feeling blue. I've been feeling a bit knackered after 4 days at school and the run of late nights but been feeling ok emotionally. Had a lovely visit from my Mummy today which was lovely.
    The scones look really professional. I'm not actually a scone fan, something in them makes me feel a bit queasy, so I tend to avoid them when having afternoon tea!
    Your dresses are so pretty.x

    1. Thank you Kezzie. Both the Hydrangea and the Echinacea are looking a big worse for wear by now, with all the rain we've been having. I can understand you feeling knackered. Glad to hear you've had a lovely visit from your Mum. Sometimes, things like that are all you need. xxx

  12. Such lovely dresses, I really like the blue floral one with the orange cardigan! Your scones look so good too! I can't do scones, although there were a few recipes I saw a lot here during iso! We decided to take the time to try new cookie recipes - the mini marshmallow one was fun but a bit sweet even for a sweet tooth like me! I ended up perfecting my banana, peanut butter and choc chip one which is now my go-to!

    Hope you have a nice weekend planned ahead of you! :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Thank you Mica. If you're ever tempted to try scones again, my recipe is easy-peasy, so just give me a shout. I love the sound of your banana, peanut butter and choc chip cookies! xxx

  13. Awh Ann it’s horrid how this nightmare is affecting our moods. My mum said she was crying on and off all Thursday. Keep going my friend, you are doing great.
    I love your basket collection, you should see the range I’ve got. Yours are fancier though. I use one everyday if I’m going out.
    My favourite scone is stem ginger and apricot. Closely followed by cinnamon and raisin. I dare not start baking them though as I’ve already piled weight on with eating bread and cake.
    You look as wonderfully colourful and glamorous as ever Ann, it’s a delight to see your photos.
    Love to you both xxx

    1. Thank you for your lovely words, Lynn. I can fully understand your Mum crying on and off all day. That happens to me too sometimes. Our scones were just plain ones, but I'm loving the sound of those stem ginger and apricot ones! xxx

  14. I love that first photo of you. The outfit is stunning and your hair looks great. The floral dress is a beauty and I love your red C&A polka dot cardigan and red shoes. Wonderful butterfly brooch as well.
    Butterflies are always a nice sight. I don't know their science names most of the time, I sometimes look it up but I'm not so good with remembering them.
    I was feeling very blue at the start of the summer, my mood has somewhat improved but sometimes I get emotional all of the sudden. For me it is always a sign of stress when I cry over the little things, but then again these are stressful times. You have a beautiful collection of straw bags!
    I have never made scones but would love to some day. Fun to see you in action. I bet your scones taste lovely.
    The blue dress worn with orange accessories and a cardigan is another beauty. You look great in both outfits! I hope you feel great as well and asap.

    1. Thank you Ivana! I love butterflies, but apart from one or two species, I don't even know their common names. I'd never seen a Comma, though. And for me it's a sign of stress too if I cry over the little things. Not surprising during these strange times, I think! xxx

  15. Oh wow! We always eat scones when we are in the UK. And we even made it ourselves. That is to say, from a package, we didn't make the dough. But this is much ad much better! So like us, you also pretended you were in the UK! That lifts our mood, doesn't it!

    1. Thank you Nancy! If you ever want to make "real" scones, the recipe I have is very easy. And it's in Dutch, even. So just give me a shout if you want to try it! xxx

  16. That first outfit is a corker! I think I’ve admired that first Diolen dress before but it looks super with the accessories you picked out. Your outfit certainly does not give away how you were feeling on the inside. I’m so sorry to hear that you’d been feeling a bit wobbly, but I was pleased to read that you did start to feel better. It’s such a strange time, I think we’re all struggling in our own way. Tears are better shared than suppressed I say. I always feel better after a bit of a cry.
    What a fabulous selection of bags.
    I like the reuse of your old watering can, most people would’ve just thrown it away.
    Your scones look delicious, and look at the colour of that jam - I can almost taste it!
    I’d like some more sunshine too, it looked like it might turn into a nice day this morning but the clouds have returned…

    1. Thank you Hazel! That blue Diolen dress has been on the blog a couple of times. It's such a favourite, and I have it in mustard as well. I'm still waiting for that sunshine. The grey and rainy weather does nothing to improve my overall mood! xxx

  17. What a sweet, gorgeous winged garden visitor. I adore how elegantly sculpted, so to speak, its wing shape is.

    May the second half of July bring an abundance of reasons to smile your way, dear Ann. You are such a lovely, special soul and deserve all the happiness possible.

    Autumn Zenith šŸ§” Witchcrafted Life

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely words as always! xxx
