Friday, 31 January 2025

Being boring

When we woke up to a foggy and murky day on Saturday 11 January, we were glad we'd had the presence of mind to go for that spur-of-the-moment walk in park Den Brandt on Friday. Without the previous day's copious amounts of sunshine, the temperature, which remained stuck around 0°C, didn't offer any incentive to leave Dove Cottage's warm and cozy confines.

What's more, I wasn't feeling too clever, as it appeared as if a stomach bug had me in its grips. Not known for sitting still for long, though, I still managed to clean the bathroom, resew a loose button on a dress and write a blog post. As daylight was almost non-existent and the world outside wasn't my ally, we skipped making outfit photos that day. Consequently, I have no idea what I was wearing.

This, however, was what I was wearing on Sunday!

For some unfathomable reason, the forest green button-through wool blend dress my eyes alighted on that morning hadn't made it out of my wardrobe for many years. Bought from a gem of a shop called Vintage Styling, which sadly stopped trading back in 2016, it used to be one of my go-to dresses when the temperatures started dropping towards freezing point. Here I am wearing it topped with a faux fur capelet in January 2017.

I was originally wearing the tan mock croc belt in lieu of the dress's original self-fabric tie belt, but transferred it to the chunky mustard cardigan when I layered on top. The necklace is part of a set which also includes the ring I was wearing that day and which, same as the Léa Stein lookalike cat brooch, was a flea market find.

Thankfully, my alleged stomach bug had upped and left, and even the weather gods had mended their ways by raising the temperature to 4°C and surprising us with an unexpected sunny spell in the afternoon.

Too late in the day to go a bit further afield, we decided to go for a stroll in a local park which is almost literally on our doorstep.

Altena park is part of a domain which used to belong to an order of nuns, but which was acquired by the local council in the 1980s.

The big chapel on the top right, built in neo-Gothic style at the end of the 19th century, has been turned into a venue for concerts and exhibitions.

While the park itself was private property during my childhood, the adjacent large playground, opened in 1961, and run by the nuns, was a major attraction which put our otherwise sleepy village on the tourist map during the Summer months. They even had there own picture postcards!

Admittedly, some of the playground attractions - and in particular the vertiginous slide, which you can catch a glimpse of in the top right photo on the postcard  - wouldn't pass health and safety regulations nowadays. Sadly, the playground is no more as it finally closed down in 1986.

As we ventured into yet another working week, the weather continued being the same old boring grey affair. Except for Monday, that is, when after a frosty start the sun managed to warm things up to 4°C.

Technical problems which lasted all day threw a spanner in the works at the office, and I could only despair at the avalanche of emails which would almost certainly await me on Tuesday.

My lunch break brought some relief by walking to one of the Think Twice shops and indulging in a spot of bargainous vintage shopping therapy. 

Sales prices had gone down to € 6 by now and I was lucky enough to find treasure in the form of a teal cable-knit cardigan with the most delightful buttons.

Stripes a-plenty with a zig-zag striped brown jumper and a blue and yellow striped polo neck.

Both the cardigan and the zig-zaggy jumper have already had their first outing. Sadly, both were worn on weekdays, when the lack of daylight after work as well as my lack of selfie-taking skills ruled out the possibility of photographing my outfits.

There's always room for more accessories in my collection, so this green beaded necklace and painted wooden brooch, grabbed from a tray at the till, came home with me as well.

Although by Wednesday the mercury had climbed to 7°C, the sun had once again taken leave of absence. It was an utterly dismal day on which a pea-souper fog refused to budge, robbing the view of Antwerp's cathedral from our office windows. For comparison, here's the same aspect sans fog, and with the cathedral basking in early morning sunshine.

As it was Wednesday, a cappuccino catch-up with my friend Inez was on the menu. Always a bright spot in the week, taking place in Think Twice's coffee shop it usually combines a caffeine hit with a rummage fix. With prices down to € 4, Inez snapped up a peasant-style dress and found me another tank top for my modest collection. 

Skipping Thursday for being the usual uneventful and dare I say boring office day, we've now arrived on Friday 17 January.  No rest for the wicked, though, as I had a hairdresser's appointment, for which Jos kindly drove me all the way to Antwerp.

The chocolate brown 1970s does 1940s frock is yet another one which seemed to have escaped my attention of a while. A search on my blog has thus far remained fruitless which obviously doesn't mean that it wasn't worn in all of the almost nine since I published my first post!

The fluffy burnt orange cardigan was very much needed on this gloomy day with highs of barely 2°C.

There's no rhyme or reason to my accessories, I just played around with them until I was satisfied with the final result. They included an agate brooch, which was a flea market find about a year ago, a charity shopped chunky wooden beaded necklace and a stretchy belt with a leopard print buckle. The latter was last Summer's high street sales bargain.

Back from Michel, who has been my hairdresser since 1995, we booked our UK holiday cottage for June. I'll have you know that we have exchanged the cow shed we have been staying in for the last couple of  years for a stable :-) Still a long way off and a couple of hurdles to jump, though.

Yet another gloomy day awaited us on Saturday, the mercury abandoning all efforts to climb above freezing point. As the weather forecast kept insisting we'd get to see some sunshine on Sunday, we ticked the downstairs cleaning off our to-do list, leaving Sunday free for any spur-of-the-moment outings.

A rummage in my wardrobe unearthed the patterned velvet maxi skirt I snapped up at Think Twice in September 2023, its companion a charity shopped Norwegian style H&M jumper.

The eagle-eyed among you may have spotted the brooch I found at Think Twice earlier that week.

I opted for wine red for the rest of my accessories to pick up the pops of red in both the skirt and the jumper. The wooden beads were another charity find while the elasticated belt with its mock croc front panel and massive square buckle was picked up on the high street.

With the weather not being conductive for any outdoor activities, we decided that a charity shop rummage was in order. And about time too, as it would be our first one this year! Oh dear, we are really letting standards slip!

The gods of the charity shops welcomed us back with open arms and rewarded us with plenty of finds. 

These two blouses soon found their way into my basket: the floral pussy-bow one is vintage, while the shirt with its stunning blue, cream and orange Art Deco style pattern is by a French label called Emma & Ella. 

I fell head over heels for the amazing pattern on this King Louie cardigan, so that was a no-brainer. What's more, as this particular chain of charity shops no longer has a separate rail of posh labels they are selling at inflated prices, I just paid the regular price for cardigans of € 5,90. 

There's one final item which came home with me that day, but that'll be for my next post. Leaving you with a bit of a cliffhanger here, but I promise to be back soon!


  1. Always nice to revisit neglected wardrobe items. That moss green dress really is a beauty.

  2. the printed cardi is cool - exactly my cup of tea although it would´t fit my viking frame :-D
    hugs! xxx


  3. The blouses and the colorful cardigan are two true treasures that you have found. The yellow cardigan you wear in your first outfit puts you in a good mood, very pretty.
    Hope you are well, have a nice weekend

  4. A record of my wardrobe would be extremely boring, so it's always a pleasure to see yours.The brooches and necklaces you find and wear are such delights.

  5. I do hope you are feeling better by now? Upset tummies are the worst...
    Love the gold and grey ( I never would have put the two together!!) outfit! SO pretty!
    I know you're excited about your June trip! It'll be here before you know.
    Happy weekend!

  6. Your have been lucky finding treasures. My last visits to a few thrift stores were not successful. It was fun nontheless as I went with a friend. So I will try in March again. :-)

  7. I love that green button up dress with a pointy collar. Being a wool dress, it must be warm too. I love the mustard yellow cardigan you wore over it. Fantastic necklace and brooch combo as well.
    It's always a joy to see your outfits and thrift finds.

  8. I hope you've seen the back of that nasty bug, dear Ann.
    Those old photos of Den Brandt are fantastic!
    You've found some real treats, I love all the handmade woollies, something I always gravitate towards in chazzas even though I rarely wear them myself, I just love the work that went into creating them.
    That King Louie cardi is proper trippy!
    Loving all the outfits particularly the first one, mustard looks so good in these dark and gloomy days. xxx

  9. Hoping that bug has not had a reappearance.
    My goodness you have found some wonderful things in your charity shops. The knits , the delightful blouses and that colourful cardigan are all wonderfuland I look forward toseeing them again.
    Well done on booking your holiday , always good to look forward too.

  10. The grey and the fog have been pretty miserable but you have certainly been counterbalancing that with some wonderful outfits. I love the King Louie cardigan, what a find!

  11. I've never had much luck at thrift stores, some of the clothes have an odd smell and belts make me look fat. I have had good luck finding old cook books and trinkets.

  12. I am so sorry to hear that you had a stomach bug. I can't believe you still cleaned, sewed, and wrote when you were under the weather! You are certainly determined! That forest green dress is beautiful and I'm glad you were able to put it to good use. And thank goodness that the stomach bug didn't stick around too long so you were able to enjoy a bit of the weekend. That postcard is amazing! I'm so glad you included it here. The playground must have been a lot of fun. It's too bad it is no longer there. The technical issues at work sound like they were frustrating to deal with. I'm glad Jos was able to drive you to your hair appointment. Those are stressful enough as it is, let alone having to deal with buses and everything else! That Norwegian style H&M sweater is gorgeous. I absolutely love it!

    the creation of beauty is art.

  13. Lovely outfits and what fabulous finds. I loved the printed cardi - it tells a story; I also loved both the blouses; especially the art deco patterned one. I often find little treasures on the counter as I'm paying for my goods but as I'm charity shopping much less than I used to I haven't found any goodies lately..

  14. Hate those dark gloomy days. I am ready for some sunshine, which thankfully we have today. You found some beautiful pieces. Love all your outfits as always.

  15. The mustard and olive green outfit is nice. It's strong of you to still clean with your stomach bug.

  16. Because you go often to Think Twice, don't they always have the same clothes for a long time? Or is it that busy that the duration time is quick? Or perhaps it is a huge store and you can't look at everything during your break. Are you going to the same area in England? Or is it a total different county? That bow blouse is gorgeous, and the throwback photo too!

  17. The Thrifting Gawds are smiling upon you, Ann, as your reward for ferreting out those long-forgotten pieces! I do love that you're digging out your old items and showing them some love, as you make room for the new finds. That King Louie cardigan is amazing!

    Sending you and Jos both love and good vibes, and a big cuddle to Ms. Bess. <3

  18. Oh, so sorry that there was so many grey days (not better here, but probably more sun spells as the days are longer). But you look fabulous whatever the weather!
    Lovely in that green dress and mustard cardi, and also lovely in the brown dress and fluffy cardi, both are really fabulous ensembles!, lots of warm colours and cosyness!
    I'm admiring your lucky finds, particularly that teal cardi (so fab colour and buttons), the Art-Decó style blouse and obviously that last cardi (wowwww!, such joyful colours!)
