Sunday 21 July 2024

A glut of Summer outfits

I've been completely engrossed in writing my travelogue ever since we came back from our Shropshire holiday. So much so that now I'm finding myself running behind on what else has been happening in my life. And what I've been wearing, obviously! Now that we're finally back on track with making daily outfit photos, it would be an utter shame to let them go to waste, so I'm treating you to a veritable glut of Summer outfits in this post! 

I was in the throes of a serious case of post-holiday blues on Monday the 24th of June and not at all looking forward to my first day back on the grind on Tuesday. 

As is often the case upon our return from the UK the weather gods had a minor heatwave in store for us, easing us in gently with highs of 25°C on my final day of rest. 

The maxi skirt, green short-sleeved top and stretchy belt were part of my travel wardrobe but, although I wore the belt on several occasions, for obvious reasons the skirt and top had remained unworn. They were all retail buys which have more than earned their keep in my wardrobe.

The tiny Irish sheep brooch and the ceramic beaded necklace were gifts from Claire, whom we met up with in the second week of our holiday. Travelogue to follow shortly!

As always, the first couple of days back at the office were a whirlwind of catching up with work and as the temperature was nudging 30°C for once I was glad of the coolness supplied by the office air con.

To add insult to injury, Jos had to take the car to the garage for Belgium's equivalent of the MOT, so that I was obliged to bus into Antwerp on Tuesday. To say it felt a bit weird after four years of being chauffeur-driven into Antwerp is a bit of an understatement, but at least the journey was a straightforward one.

I was too exhausted for outfit photos at the end of the day, but here's what I wore on Wednesday. 

The green sleeveless dress, its pattern a purple and red floral extravaganza, was a charity shop find last September and was just perfect for the continuing heatwave temperatures. The wooden beads came from Accessorize - I've got them in a different colourway as well - while the enamelled butterfly brooch was a flea market find in 2017.

Although it was in no way intentional, I seemed to have a bit of a green theme going on that week.

As usual, it was an utter joy to wear this jumpsuit, which came from a fast fashion shop on the high street. Bought in 2018, an incredible six years ago, it's a true case of fast fashion turned slow! 

Pops of orange from my belt, ring and beaded necklace completed my outfit. The tomato red sandals, which joined my wardrobe in 2020, were what Monica would call my repeat offenders, as it seems I wore them three days in a row. 

The temperature had gone down to around 20°C on Friday, which saw us driving to Antwerp for a hairdresser's appointment. While I was at the salon, Jos went for a coffee and a wander, after which we met up for lunch at the recently opened branch of Le Pain Quotidien, a chain of combined bakeries and breakfast and lunch restaurants. We both opted for cheese and ham croissants which we had with our usual cappuccinos.

Afterwards we took the tram for a couple of stops and then walked through the premises of the posh Botanic Sanctuary hotel located in a former convent and hospital complex whose history goes back to the 12th century. Here, I introduced Jos to Albert Szukalski's ghostly figures, relatives of those in the sculpture park.

We were on our way to buy a new Panama hat for Jos from a hat shop called Harbor of Men.

Mission accomplished, we walked back to the city centre through the Botanic Garden, where Jos wasted no time in exchanging the charity shopped M&S hat he was wearing for his new acquisition.

On our way out, we briefly paused for outfit photos. This zig-zag skirt was another one which fruitlessly accompanied me on my travels. It was a charity shop find in the Summer of 2021. In fact, most of what I'm wearing here was charity shopped, apart from the belt, a flea market find back in April, and the Clarks sandals, a sales bargain dating from 2018.

Saturday was a day of sunny spells and a balmy temperature of 23°C.

The dress I wrestled from my wardrobe's groaning rails that morning is vintage, from a label called Carine, which I remember being around when I was a young girl. It's got a gorgeous floral watercolour print and the sweetest cap sleeves which have a little split at the top allowing for welcome ventilation on a warm Summer's day.

I opted for neutral tones for my accessories, which included a Paris souvenir cameo brooch, a stretchy belt with wooden buckle and a wood and polished stone beaded necklace. The slingbacks I was wearing might very well be my most comfortable pair of Summer shoes. They're from the Spanish Art label and were picked up from an Outlet shop in May 2022.

My mind is a blank as to what we did that day, apart from the fact that we dropped off a bag of donations at the charity shop in the afternoon. It would have been rude not to have a rummage while we were there, and we were amply rewarded for our generosity by the charity shop goddesses.

The spoils which ended up in my trolley were two maxi skirts and several patterned tops. I'm actually wearing the drapey black patterned one (above, top left and centre) as I type.

With a repeat of Saturday's weather on Sunday, we thought it was high time we planted up the hanging baskets and upside-down green enamelled lampshades under the awning outside our backdoor. Embarrassingly, we admit that they still contained the sorry-looking remains of the daffodils, primulas and pansies we planted back in Spring since we'd postponed replacing them with Summer flowers until we were back from our holiday.

Needless to say, the choice at the garden centre was rather limited this late in the day, but we still found some scarlet double Pelargoniums for the cones and a cheerful yellow Sanvitalia for the half-basket against the potting shed wall.

A single white Pelargonium with contrasting burgundy markings was selected to join yet another yellow Sanvitalia in the hanging basket suspended from the awning and I couldn't resist buying a pot of pink and purple Fuchsias for the passageway.  

Sunday's dress was the black floral butterfly-sleeved one in the middle, a Think Twice sales bargain back in May.

We were back to grey skies, showers and temperatures barely touching 20°C in the first week of July. The perfect weather conditions to wear some of my beloved but sorely neglected Diolen Delights! Most of my collection was picked up from Think Twice over the years, although lately finding any of these colourful garments has become a bit of a rarity.

Finding one in a charity shop is even more unlikely, but that's exactly where I stumbled upon this glorious 1970s does 1940s number, albeit many years ago. I wore it on Thursday, my final working day of the week, picking a muted sage green as my main accessorizing colour. The brooch with its posy of tiny embroidered flowers was found in a Shrewsbury antiques centre in June 2019.

Friday the 5th of July was another grey and rainy one, with the additional delight of a blustery wind thrown in. This didn't bother me too unduly, as my friend Inez was coming over to help me put together the contents of our flea market stall in preparation for the event, which would take place on Sunday the 14th.

However, the day didn't got off to a good start. While dragging a seemingly endless number of boxes and bags from the built-in cupboard in our bedroom to the spare room, my ironing board, which is stored behind the bedroom door, toppled over and fell against the door, closing it with a bang in the process. As Bess - having a cat's curiosity and all that - was checking out the remaining boxes at the time disaster struck, she took fright and hid under the bed. She'd just come out of her hiding place when Inez, whom she hadn't met before, arrived. Still on edge from the ironing board episode, she hid under the sofa for the rest of the day, only emerging again by tea time. She remained nervy and apprehensive all through the evening and into Saturday and is still wary of the ironing board to this day.

Then, while Inez and I were selecting garments, pricing them and putting them on hangers, disaster struck again. As Jos was putting the rail together, one of the screws connecting the rail to one of the wheel frames got stuck and then broke off. There was nothing for it but to drill a new hole in the frame, which, although it made the rail a tiny bit wonky, turned out to be just fine in the end.

On the rail is our initial selection, with the rest of the clothes priced and put into boxes until space on the rail would become available on the day itself.

All that was left to do now was hoping the weather would at least be dry, so that our work wouldn't have been for nothing. Obviously, all will be revealed in a future post!

I'll be back with another episode of the travelogue next time. But before I go, here's what I've been reading lately. 

I'd just started Asta's Book by Barbare Vine - who is actually British crime writer Ruth Rendell - a couple of days before we went to Shropshire. It took me a while to finish it, as I kept dropping off on the sofa in the cowshed. Nevertheless, I loved it enough to have added another one of her books to my TBR pile. 

James Runcie's Canvey Island - which I'd bought during a previous Shropshire holiday - was started at the cowshed and finished at home, and didn't disappoint either. I'm still reading the 670-page Lucinda Riley novel I charity shopped while on holiday, so the jury's still out on that one.

Have you read any of these and what is your current read?



  1. Lovely outfits, as ever, and difficult to choose one over another, though the greens and blues call to me. I love the black sheep brooch - how sweet.
    I'm reading Dr Kate Hanson books by A J Cross - not very trying reading but pleasant enough.

    1. Thank you Janice! Sometimes an easy but pleasant read is all we need! xxx

  2. Fab outfits as ever, Ann! I particularly like that second one, the neckline on that green midi is stunning. Jos looks very dapper in his new panama hat and Bess is always immaculately attited. I've fallen out of the habit of photographing what I've been wearing between festivals and my travels, I've been too keen to strip off into my bikini as soon as I'm back from wherever I've been. Bad blogger!
    I feel your pain with the rails! Hope the sales went well.
    I think I've read everything by Ruth Rendell/Barbara Vine, she's a fantastic writer. I'm currently reading a psychological thriller called The Farm by Tom Rob Smith, my 9th book in 11 days! xxx

    1. Thank you! 9 books in 11 days is quite impressive! I've just finished a second Barbara Vine novel, which was equally fantastic. I'll be seeking out her other novels as well! xxx


  3. You show a nice selection of clothes, every outfit looks great.
    I particularly like the green sleeveless dress. Green looks good on you in all shades.
    Wish you a wonderful new week!

    1. Thank you so much! Green is my favourite colour! xxx

  4. Oh dear poor Bess and then the rail breaking as well. I do hope the sale goes well. Those pelargoniums are gorgeous as are your outfits. I love the boat brooch.

    1. Thanks Gisela! The sale went really well and it was fun too! xxx

  5. I always love seeing your outfits! Not only are they beautiful, but you put in so much care and thought when it comes to accessories. I always love seeing the little extras you choose to make a look feel extra special. You have such an eye for beautiful things! I adore that Irish sheep brooch you added to the first look. And WOW that green sleeveless dress is remarkable. It looks like it was designed just for you! I'm glad you were able to enjoy some lunch after your salon visit. Definitely a nice way to decompress. That zigzag skirt is so beautiul. You always manage to find the best items at charity shops! The floral dress (1970s does 1940s) is such a fun design! I love the print and the floral brooch you paired with it. I'm sorry that the preparations for the flea market stall were so troublesome!

    the creation of beauty is art.

    1. Thank you Shannon! I just love accessorizing my outfits! xxx

  6. You are much better organised than I am with my travel posts. I keep getting distracted! The sculpture by Albert Szukalski is amazing. It puts me in mind of the British sculptor Philip Jackson whose work I really love. Arilx

    1. Thanks Aril! I'll have to google Philip Jackson! xxx

  7. So many fabulous outfits! I loved them all and all the wonderful accessories you match them with. Great finds in the chazzas, too. Hope you did really well at the flea market and that you've now got room in the wardrobe for more fab finds! I treated myself to an Irish sheep brooch when in Ireland last year; the thing is I can't remember whether I've left it in the caravan or if it's pinned to one of my winter jacket's which are in storage in the loft!

    Poor Bess - she has 'ironing board phobia' now. Rain doesn't like the hoover and neither did the dog we had when my children were young.

    I've read and enjoyed both 'Asta's Book' and 'Canvey Island'. I've yet to try Lucinda Riley as an author.

    1. Thank you Vronni! Bess isn't a fan of the hoover either :-) Lucinda Riley's ok if you're looking for a read which isn't too trying. xxx

  8. Oh I love your "glut of outfits." I love how you've styled the little sheep brooch and beads. My favourite outfits are the green sleeveless dress and the top left dress in your penultimate outfit photo collage.
    Jos looks dapper in his new hat and I'm inspired by your upside down enamel lamp shade planters (and the patina on your garden fence is to die for!)
    I'm shamefully behind on my reading lately. I'm blaming eye strain and disappearing down a podcast rabbit hole! xxx

    1. Thank you Claire! Glad to hear you love the patina on our potting shed, that's given me a reason not to repaint it :-) xxx

  9. I just finished "Remarkably Bright Creatures" which features chapters narrated from an octopus' point-of-view - it was...okay, but rather predictable.

    I love the plethora of wonderful outfits, Ann, and isn't it funny how we subconsciously create themes of colour or accessories? I do that too!

    Poor Bess and her Ironing-Board Trauma! I'm sure she will be fine in due course. <3

    1. Thank you Sheila! I think Bess is recovering from her trauma, but I'm still waiting until she's fast asleep before setting up the ironing board ... xxx

  10. How did the flea market go Ann? I like the look of all your colourful clothes on the rack. X

    1. Thank you Jess! We did quite well, but it's surprising how many people kept telling me they loved the clothes and were wishing they'd the guts to wear them!

  11. So many wonderful looks for summer! I love every single one. Jo's new Panama hat suits him perfectly.
    Poor Bess, she just has an ironing board trauma. I hope it passes soon. Some days are just a nightmare and nothing works. 😅
    a huge hug Tina

    1. Thank you Tina! I guess everyone has got days like these :-) xxx

  12. absolutely fabulous summer outfits!!
    ..and i love the very 80´s plissé skirt.....
    wish i could have a rummage at your fleamarket boot :-D
    hugs! xxx

  13. Poor Bess, my cat can be easily scared too, the rattle of tin foil for example. Loving all your outfits and may i say you're looking particularly trim in them. I really like your garden fence display, such a nice idea.

    1. Thank you Jean! Bess doesn't like the sound of tin foil either, and neither did her predecessor! xxx

  14. What a glorious outfits to admire! That sleeveless dress caught my eye, such beautiful colour. Jack, our cat, is also afraid of the iron board and nothing even happened with it! Poor Bess. Love the maxi skirts. I'm reading a book now about the DDR before the fall off the wall in Berlin. It's intriguing.

    1. Thank you Nancy! That sounds like an intriguing book indeed! Poor Jack :-) xxx

  15. I LOVE the first outfit and the 70's does the 40's dress! SO you!
    Poor little Bess! Such big noisy things in her little tiny world...
    Alos really liking Jos' Panama hat! I think my Larry would like one...
    Happy week!

    1. Thank you Donna! I think Bess takes after me :-)) I don't like noisy things either! xxx

  16. Your first outfit is so beautiful. I just love that maxi skirt. Pairing it with a green short-sleeved top was a great choice. The stretchy belt is very chic, too. No wonder it was a part of your travel wardrobe. Great retail buys !

    The accessories are lovely as well. The Irish sheep brooch and the ceramic beaded necklace are very chic together. Nice presents from Claire.

    The green dress is so pretty! And I like how you continued on the theme with the other green dress paired with orange accessories. It seems like you had a green theme that week!

    I also really like your outfit with the zig zag maxi skirt, a pattern top and blazer. You're so good at mixing prints.

    The vintage maxi dress with that beautiful floral watercolour print is a dream! So cool it's from a brand you used to wear as a girl.

    So many gorgeous outfit in this post!

    P.S. I wonder how people used to work in offices without AC. It must have been hard.

    1. Thank you Ivana! As green is my favourite colour, I often seem to have a green theme going on :-)
      I'm glad we've got AC here at the office, although I try using it as little as possible! xxx

  17. It sounds like you've been juggling quite a few things since your return from Shropshire! It’s great that you’re still managing to keep up with your outfit photos despite the post-holiday whirlwind. Your summer wardrobe pieces sound like they’ve been well-loved and wisely chosen. The maxi skirt and green top must have made for a stylish comeback after your trip, and it’s always nice to incorporate travel gifts like the Irish sheep brooch and ceramic necklace into your outfits.

    The green sleeveless dress sounds perfect for the heatwave, and those wooden beads from Accessorize add a lovely touch. Here’s to more stylish days ahead, and I look forward to reading about your Shropshire adventures soon!


  18. So many fabulous outfits, love that you've been in a 'green themed' week!, that first oufit is a favourite one (sorry that you couldn't sport it when in Uk). Love that sleeveless dress and that jumpsuit (which looks totally like a dress!) and the fantastic beads and brooches!
    Great to see you and Jos enjoying some croissants and capuccinos, and he rocks his new hat!
    Totally in love with that watercolour printed dress, so beautiful colours!- Glad that you like your Art shoes, they're made in a nearby village!.
    So many fabulous finds, love particularly that first maxi skirt (I have a weakness for geometric prints!)
    And such a beautiful bunch of Diolen Delights!, you look lovely in every dress, and I admire your fab accessorizing skills!. So lovely floral prints!
    Poor Bess!, hope she's recovering and hope she doesn't hide everytime the Evil Iron Board come out.
    Looking forward to see more of your travelogue and about that flea market!

    1. Gracias Monica! I haven't worn my Diolen Delights as much as I used to. Our Summers are getting too warm to wear polyester :-) xxx
