Friday 31 May 2024

The darling buds of May

Spring is trundling along languidly, sometimes with a spring in her step, giving us an taste of Summer, but more often than not behaving very badly indeed. It's not just that rough winds have been shaking the darling buds of May. Rain has been turning them into a sodden mass prematurely littering the ground.

Hardly a day has gone by without any of the wet stuff falling from the sky, but let's forget about that for now. Let's reminisce about those handfuls of days when the sun has been very much in evidence instead. 

It was Sunday the 12th of May and the final day of the first of the month's long weekends. In continuation of Saturday's balmy mid-twenties temperatures, Sunday followed suit, the mercury climbing even higher, to an unheard of 27°C.

Out of my wardrobe came one of my vintage Diolen dresses, snapped up from a long gone vintage shop in the Summer of 2015. Its pattern of leaves and fruits on a coral background never fails to delight me.

My sky blue shoes, which almost but not quite rival my beloved Clarks Cloudsteppers, are just perfect for walking ...

... which is exactly what we did that afternoon!

Being in a bit of a languid mood, we didn't want to venture too far, so we drove down to Fort 5, just over 10 minutes by car from our front door.

Here, we walked on leafy paths and exclaimed about the lushness of nature in general.

Then we spotted some ghostly webbing shrouding some of the trees lining one of the paths. Closer inspection revealed that these contained hundreds of wriggling caterpillars! 

Some research back at home revealed that these are the caterpillars of the so-called Ermine moth. The creatures are harmless, and the webs usually last from May to June after which they slowly disappear over the Summer months. The moths they eventually grow into are white or greyish with many small black dots, hence the ermine name.

Harmless they may be, but I was itching all over by the time we'd reached the end of the path. 

Here, we were faced with a choice of possible directions to take. While still trying to make up our minds we suddenly noticed the open gate leading to the inner fort right in front of us. Beyond the gate, which is usually closed, are the premises of BLWRK, which offers coworking and meeting space.

Intrigued, we wasted no time in stepping through the gate and explore this as yet unknown to us and hugely atmospheric part of the old fort, which was constructed in the 1860s as part of a ring of 8 forts to protect the city of Antwerp from enemy fire.

There's exhibition space inside the building as well, which turned out to be the reason for the wide open gate.

We briefly ventured inside trying to find the exhibition which was taking place, but soon got lost in an endless maze of chilly, goosebump inducing passages, and eventually turned heel. Better not to waste the undoubtedly short-lived Summer temperatures, not to mention the one-off opportunity to explore the inner fort. 

The ghost sign on the bottom left is testimony to the fact that once upon a time stables were established here.

Back in the public part of the domain, we sat down for a breather before returning via the narrow path along the moat. 

While we were sitting there, Jos was accosted by a blood-thirsty insect, which bit him right through his trousers. And there I was fretting because I'd been foolhardy enough to go walking bare-legged! The pesky thing had a wasted meal, though, as it had to pay for its greed with its life.

All was soon forgotten when we spotted several nesting coots and in particular their fluffiest of chicks.

By the end of our walk, the sun had all but disappeared behind a layer of clouds again and, sure enough, we were treated to a thunderstorm in the evening. Oh well, mustn't grumble, I suppose ...

The weather continued to be sunny and warm, with highs of about 23°C, on Monday and Tuesday. I wasn't feeling too clever, though, as this was the week of my eye problem. Apparently, it was taking some getting used to my new, stronger, eye drops, which initially caused various unwanted symptoms: a lingering headache concentrated around my eye socket, a dry and itchy eye and, to top it all, that horrid stye I eventually developed. 

Several remedies were tried, including painkillers, artificial tears, ointments and ... retail therapy!

Prices at Think Twice were down to € 4 and € 3 respectively on these days, so I wandered over for a rummage during my lunch breaks, picking up several treasures on both occasions.

Apart from a handful of vintage frocks, a striped seersucker Summer blazer and an off-white slouchy knit jumper with Art Deco style openwork yoke and back.

Thankfully, my eye had slowly but surely started to improve by the end of the week, even if my eyelid was still quite sore and bright red on Friday. 

Not having to go into work made all the difference, though. As did spending time in Bess's company and delighting in her antics. She's a big fan of our kitchen tap, which she insists on drinking from as often as she can, then leaving a trail of wet paw prints all over the house!

I'd rescued the red and white Diolen polka dot skirt from my flea market stash the other day. God knows why, but according to my blog I hadn't worn it since August 2017, after which it had been in limbo for years. When eventually it got back in my good books, it turned out to have become a tiny bit too snug. Trying it on one more time before deciding on its fate, I was happy to notice that it was a perfect fit once more. Not that I've been on any kind of diet, mind you, that's what prolonged stress does to me!

As soon as I'd hung the skirt outside my wardrobe, it dawned on me that it would look fabulous worn with the dotty Who's That Girl blouse I charity shopped at the end of February. And surely nothing but one of my Bambi brooches would do to befriend the deer living inside some of the orange dots!

I'm sure the red ceramic beaded necklace - a charity shop find - needs no further introductions as it has featured on the blog many a time lately. The navy belt with its off-white plastic buckle used to be my Mum's.

What with the lousy weather, my Summer shoes and sandals have barely got a look-in. Here I am wearing ankle boots again, although I wouldn't dream of wearing this delicate silver and gold patterned pair when it's raining either.

In spite of having ignored our Hydrangea until April, when I finally removed last year's flowers and didn't even bother to prune back to the lowest healthy buds, the shrub is in its element and has been producing more flowers than ever! I particularly love them at this stage, when the first hint of blue is appearing.

My eye was almost back to normal on Saturday, which was nothing short of a relief. I even seemed to be getting used to the new eye drops, which was even better.

What wasn't much better was the weather. It was another dismal-ish day with the odd sunny spell in the afternoon. The temperature kept hovering around 18°C, which I suppose could have been worse.

The dress I was wearing is yet another vintage Diolen, which I fell in love with on the spot when I was checking out Think Twice's new collection with Inez on Wednesday.

It did have a couple of minor issues, though, including buttons which were far too small so that they kept popping open. Nothing my stash of vintage buttons couldn't remedy obviously!

My accessories were all of the green variety: a charity shopped textured leather belt with self-buckle, a beaded necklace from the high street and my "super heroine" brooch found on a flea market in October 2018.

With only one more week to go before our UK holiday, time is at a premium, but I'll make sure to squeeze in at least one more post before we go. See you soon!


  1. Loved the walk! So pretty...
    Also liked both of the Diolen dresses! Lovely patterns.
    I'm sorry about the stye... and feeling stress is not a good thing.
    A day in the thrift stores may help! lol
    Have a fun trip!

    1. Thank you Donna! I'm definitely loving my colourfully patterned Diolen dresses :-) xxx

  2. It's a shame the weather has been so rainy lately! I absolutely adore that vintage Diolen dress. The pattern and colour is just so perfect for spring! You always explore the most incredible places. Your pictures of the old fort are fantastic. I'm so glad you found some treasures at Think Twice. You always seem to do pretty well there! I love that jumper with the art deco style. Oh, that Who's That Girl blouse is incredible, especially with the addition of the bambi brooch! How fun! I'm happy to hear that you are getting used to the new eye drops and that things are returning to normal. I hope you have a lovely weekend <3

    the creation of beauty is art.

    1. Thank you Shannon! Sometimes I think I'm going a bit too well at Think Twice! I haven't got any room left in my wardrobe :-) xxx

  3. Retail therapy is good for the soul and you've picked up some lovely bargains.
    The old fort looks interesting, but I can imagine the dank atmosphere.
    I hope your eye behaves itself now - it's had quite enough attention!

    1. Thank you Janice, and I certainly hope so too! xxx

  4. Finally, the sun is shining again here this morning! I'm desperate to get out, so enjoyed tagging along on your walk, although that vicious insect story was unnerving!
    Bess must have some Bengal cat traits. They love running water too I've heard.
    I love all of your outfits, but that polka dot skirt and Who's That Girl top were meant to be and that Bambi brooch works perfectly with it!
    Thanks for the Hydrangea pic. I love those flowers! xxx

    1. The weather continues to be up and down, it seems. After a week of real Summer temperatures, we're back to grey skies, rain and temperatures under 20°C :-( xxx

  5. Thank you for taking us back to those gloriously warm and sunny days, I'm hoping you've stashed that weather in your suitcase ready to unleash when you arrive on our shores next week!
    Not keen on the sound of those ermine moths, I'm itching in sympathy!
    The peachy midi, the print on the final dress and that glorious pattern mixed ensemble are fabulous as are all those finds. Thank goodness you held on to that polka dot skirt! What on earth are you going to pack?
    Love those photos of Bess enjoying her tap water! xxx

    1. There was clearly no room in my suitcase for gloriously warm and sunny days ... but I'm glad you're now having them at Glasto! xxx

  6. Ahh summer dresses, it's just fantastic. Summer and sun.
    Well today we have rain and it's windy now, but so far we've been able to eat all our meals outside on the terrace in the sunshine :-))
    It's great that you were able to get into the fortress. It's always nice to see old walls.
    Your new brown-ochre-white patterned summer dress is a treasure. I'm thrilled with it and can't wait for you to wear it :-)))
    In a week's vacation... how wonderful is that... happy. Great Britain - I also have to experience Great Britain! Finally!
    Which ferry do you take???
    A hug for you.

    1. Thank you Viola! As you've probably read in my latest post by now, we're not taking the ferry, but the LeShuttle train from Calais! xxx

  7. Beautiful outfits with summer dresses.
    The outfit with the blue shirt and the red skirt is simply fantastic as well. I love the bambi brooch.
    You look stunning in all of these looks.

    P.S. I'm melting over photos of Bess playing with tap water. What a beauty she is!

    1. Thanks Ivana! Bess is totally obsessed with the tap :-) xxx

  8. cute nestlings!
    the old fortress is always a picturesque spot - now with all the lush greenery even more.....
    my hydrangeas slowly recover from the heat/frost episode in april - thanx to the lots of rain.
    that last dress has a very beautiful print!
    hugs! xxx

    1. Thanks Beate! We love the old fort, and it was exciting to be able to see a bit that's usually closed to us! xxx

  9. Your evocative description of spring's unpredictable weather beautifully captures the essence of the season. The contrast between the rainy days and the rare, sunny moments adds depth to your narrative.

    1. Thank you for another lovely comment Melody! xxx

  10. I hope your eye is better. 💕 The sea sugar blazer is beautiful. What a great find.
    Oh, so soon until your UK vacation? The weather is supposed to get better. 😉 with a huge hug, Tina

    1. Thank you Tina, my eyes is much better now. The weather did get better ... after we came back :-) xxx

  11. I do hope the sun has finally made its presence felt on a regular basis.
    Hope that troublesome eye continues to improve.
    Well done on your shopping therapy , it does help I find.
    I always enjoy seeing your brilliantly co-ordinated outfits .

    1. Thank you Jill! Thankfully, we had some proper Summer weather by now! xxx

  12. How nice to see parts of the fort you hadn't seen before. I love it when things like that happen...

    I hope your eye is no longer giving you trouble and that the drops are working their magic.

    Nothing seems to have affected your bargain hunting abilities though; what lovely finds! My favourite being the seersucker blazer and the final outfit dress. All the outfits were fabulous; loved the spotted skirt and blouse in particular.

    I think animals like to drink from moving water sources but that doesn't explain why Rain prefers to drink water from the watering cans rather than what's in her drinking bowl! It's the same tap water that fills them both...

    Hope you have a wonderful holiday in the UK.

    1. Thank you Vronni! I had to laugh at Rain preferring to drink from the watering can. That's exactly the thing our previous cat, Phoebe, would have done! xxx

  13. Oh how exiting! I want to go with you to the UK, already feeling homesick pffff. Our cats always drink out of the bathroom tap. Every morning they both lay in the sink waiting for us to turn it on. We even have a sock wrapped around the tap, because otherwise they can open it themselves. Have a good week!

    1. Back already :-( It seems your cats are even more naughty than Bess! xxx

  14. Your coral dress is a real show stopper and looks tremendous on you. Sorry about your eye problems, very uncomfortable. I hope you're feeling better for your upcoming trip.

    1. Thank you Jean! Thankfully my eye behaved itself during our trip! xxx

  15. Sorry to hear about your weather woes. It is burning up here.
    You beautiful outfits sure brighten up the day.

    1. Thanks Hena! We did have a couple of hot days this week! xxx

  16. Lovely to catch up with your adventures and outfits Ann. We hope the weather is kind to you over here in the UK on your annual sojourn.
    Sending our love. Give Vix & Jon a hug from us when you see them xxx

    1. Thank you Lynn! Vix & Jon were duly hugged :-) xxx

  17. Wow, echt schick. Steht dir echt super. LG Romy

  18. Sorry to hear the eye was giving you grief again! How dare it!!!
    Loving your new Art Deco style openwork yoke and back jumper- so pretty!!!
    The Hyndrangea is lovely at that stage!
    How exciting to be able to venture further into the fort! Lovely outfits esp the last one! Kezzie xx

    1. Thank you Kezzie! I'm glad to report the eye didn't give me further grief! xxx

  19. You go on the most lovely walks! I would be itching too - I can't handle caterpillars or worms either! (I felt a kinship with you over the slug in one of your comments!).

    Love your last 2 outfits - I also forgot to mention that I'm excited to see the denim jumpsuit you rescued from limbo!

    Funny to see Bess! Vizzini is fond of hopping up on the bathroom sink and licking at my face wash pump! He's been known to drink water from that tap as well.

    1. Thank you Sheila! Cats are such funny creatures. Bess's latest thing is licking the body lotion off my legs :-O xxx

  20. what a lovely post, lots of summery floral prints in fabulous dresses!, and a walk with a suprise as you could visit that inner fort (so interesting architecture).
    Love that coral dress with those so comfy blue maryjanes!.
    And such lucky finds, the floral dresses and beautiful pieces, particularly that striped summer jacket!
    Love that polka dot skirt with the groovy shirt and cute accessories, you totally rock it!. Sorry that you're feeling that pesky stress (I hear you sister!) and hope that your longer weekends will make things easier!
    That vintage Diolen dress is totally amazing, great job on changing its buttons, those are adorable!

    1. Thank you for another wonderful and heartwarming comment Monica! xxx
