Friday 5 May 2023

In between showers

The forecast for April's penultimate weekend promised a high probability of rain on both Saturday and Sunday and, while the showers might be interspersed with a sunny spell or two, there was a strong possibility that the blanket of grey would be too thick to allow the sun a look in. In short, they - and by they, of course, I mean those dratted weather people - had no clue whatsoever, and made sure there would be no complaints by forecasting all kinds of weather bar snow and heatwave temperatures

It was therefore a welcome surprise to wake up to a modicum of sunshine on Saturday, and as we'd been promised highs of 13°C, I decided to throw caution to the wind and forego the long sleeves, opting for ... three-quarter ones instead. How very daring, no? 

First outing for this predominantly blue flower infused vintage dress I found at the vintage per kilo shop back in January. As it was missing one of its buttons, which I didn't like anyway, I replaced them with vintage black and white moulded flower ones, which turned out to be so well-suited they almost seem to be part of the pattern.

Among the blue-hued flowers are some tan-hearted daisies and leaves, which I took as my lead to add tan and burnt orange to my outfit.  At my waist, my latest stretchy belt with a tan faux-bamboo buckle, which was a naughty high street buy back in March. On top, a charity shopped diagonally striped orange and burgundy Zoë Loveborn cardigan.

The plastic flower brooch is vintage, an outdoor flea market find in the Summer of 2016, while the necklace with its multi-coloured beads followed me home from the charity shop in Poperinge during our week in Belgium's west country in September 2019.

This wasn't my initial outfit of the day though, as after breakfast that morning I donned my gardening gear. The idea was to dig over the narrow border in the passageway, remove the building rubble which had ended up here courtesy of our neighbour, and plant the shade-loving perennials we'd brought back from the garden centre the other week. 

After doing the hard graft in spite of suffering from backache, Jos left me to do the planting. I'd only just made a start when he came running back outside, telling me I would need to hurry up as rain was imminent. I'm glad to report that I made it, if only just in the nick of time, as the first drops were starting to fall while I was putting in some yellow archangel I'd dug up from elsewhere in the garden.

The yellow archangel (Lamium galeobdolon) joined the fresh from the garden centre Vinca minor (Lesser Periwinkle),  Geranium macrorrhizum 'Czakor', Alchemilla mollis (Lady's Mantle), Ajuga reptans 'Atropurpurea' (Bugle) and Digitalis purpurea 'Dalmatian Purple' (Foxglove).

Then there were the Euphorbia amygdaloides 'Purpurea' and the Helleborus sternii which had been living in pots in the passageway since the Autumn, as well as some surplus self-seeded foxgloves and Welsh Poppies (Meconopsis cambrica) from the garden.

We'd lost a big chunk of the border's edging during the building work, so that the rain soon washed away some of the freshly dug over soil and turned part of the passageway into a mud-fest.

We'd looked for suitable border edging in the garden centre on our last visit but hadn't been able to find anything to our liking. As rain kept stopping play for the rest of the day, we decided to have a look in another local garden centre as I thought I'd seen something which might suit on their website. 

Before we proceed, though, here's a look at my vintage teal new wool coat found at Think Twice many years ago. Its lining has been repaired countless of times, but otherwise it's still in perfect condition and will be worn until it literally falls apart. Still wearing a beret and thin knit scarf as well. I do wish Spring would hurry up! 

Sadly, the border edging I'd seen online turned out not to be what we were looking for either, so we settled for some boring green flexible plastic edging to tide us over for the time being. We also bought a bag of wood chips to mulch the new border with.

It would have been rude not to have a look at their plants as well, although the colour coordinated displays did put me off a bit.  Choice was rather limited and there wasn't anything we couldn't have found at our regular garden centre anyway.

Before making our way back home, we went to feed Inneke and Maurice's cat, Nessie, as they'd departed on holiday to the seaside that morning. At least, we tried to feed her, but the key we'd been given didn't seem to work. A phonecall with Maurice revealed the hiding place of a spare key, but that didn't seem to be working either. Meanwhile, we could hear Nessie meowing pitifully. It was all solved in the end but it did involve Maurice having to come back from the seaside. It's a good thing Belgium is a small country ...

Back at home, I spent some time rearranging our bookshelves, as we are facing a serious lack of space. Then I hit upon the idea of doing a reshuffle of my collection of vintage sewing baskets which live on a shelf in the redundant fireplace in our bedroom, creating space for our Victorian and Edwardian themed books. When I posted this on Instagram, people oohed and aahed over the sewing baskets. 

The stuffed mouse on top of the basket on the right isn't one of Bess's toys. I bought her in a WWF shop in Antwerp in the late 80s, and she's called Gorgonzola!

Sunday once again went off to a sunny start, and as the temperature was forecasted to climb to the unheard highs of 15°C, I decided to go one step further and wear a short-sleeved dress.

Well, that's what long-sleeved t-shirts are for, aren't they? I bookended the watercolour patterned dress - another wardrobe stalwart picked up from Think Twice - with a teal t-shirt and ditto opaques. 

Accessories included an old tan leather belt, a blue plastic butterfly brooch and purple beads.

I only wore the shoes for the photos as, apart from the garden, we didn't leave Dove Cottage's confines at all that day.

Aren't they sweet?  They were charity shopped almost exactly two years ago. I've never been able to find out anything about the brand mentioned on the inside (Soulier), but their very 1970s looking block heels make me think they are definitely vintage. 

It would be raining again in the afternoon, but until it did, we made the most of the dry spell by fixing the temporary edging to the border and adding the wood chips. 

Then, Jos removed the old wood from our Fuchsia magellanica bush, while I did some random garden pottering.

I can't believe how lush the garden has become all of a sudden. All that rain must have done the trick!

The Bluebells are in their element and are taking centre stage in the garden right now, a shimmering haze of blue visible from our kitchen window, so that they can even be enjoyed when it rains.

The Cowslips (Primula veris) are doing well too. Even if they can't compete with their exuberantly flowering blue neighbours, their clusters of delicate lemon bells never fail to delight.

The tiny coral bells belong to one of the Heucheras in the window box in the passageway. It has been flowering since early April, which I'm sure is very early indeed. There's no sign of any flowers in those planted in our garden yet.

Another early bloomer, as it's supposed to flower from May to July,  is our Clematis "Guernsey Cream", whose big fat flower buds are opening one by one into gorgeous large cream with a tinge of green flowers. Admittedly, some voracious creature has been nibbling some of the buds, resulting in holey blooms ...

April's final working week had its usual ups and downs, some rain, some shine, and temperatures reaching the low double digits. It was a long one too, as I had to work on Friday as well. What a drag that was!

My lunch breaks were spent running some errands and going to my hairdresser, but on Tuesday my feet took me to the second-hand pop-up shop which opened a couple of months ago. It's a large, spacious shop, with everything neatly displayed on rows and rows of rails, and so far I haven't come across any Primark stuff or the like.

I was in luck that day, as I found a Wow To Go skirt - I used to have a dress in the same pattern - a pair of gold/silver patterned Western style ankle boots by defunct Belgian label Beoriginal, and flat blue Velcro-strap shoes by good old Damart.

I went for a walk on Thursday, the intention being that I would take you to the raised promenade along the River Scheldt, only to be thwarted in my plans as a major redevelopment of the quayside is taking place. Before I reached the quayside, however, I was halted in my tracks by this fantastic mushroom decorated façade.

As I couldn't access the promenade, I walked towards the Ferris wheel opposite Het Steen - the castle I blogged about in a previous post - along the pavement.

To my left, a row of rusty gabled hangars with decorative ironwork pediments. Dating from the late 19th century, they will get a new purpose in the redevelopment of the quayside, but at the time of writing they mostly offer parking space.

It had been a frosty start to the day, which offered the ideal opportunity to wear the short-sleeved plaid wool-blend dress I found at Think Twice back in October. 

Again, I added bookends in the form of a long-sleeved t-shirt and opaques combo. The red Western-style ankle boots were a fairly recent charity shop find.

A flea market, vintage shop and a chazza supplied my brooch, necklace and belt respectively.

As it had warmed up to 14°C during the day, I was sweating in this by the time I went home, but otherwise this was an absolute joy to wear.

Nevertheless, I am truly craving my Spring/Summer wardrobe by now!


  1. I've had enough of jumpers and socks too. I want to wear dresses without layers! But outside it is just gorgeous isn't it. All is green! And in your garden also a lot of gorgeous colours. I enjoy the nature the best this time of the year. What a story about the keys don't fit. What a luch they weren't on a plane! Have a great weekend.

    1. I'm not putting my jumpers away just yet! We're having some warm and sunny days, but there's still a lot of wind. Let's hope Summer arrives soon! xxx

  2. I hate the time of the year when you never know how warm a day will be. I sweat and then get cold. Very tiring! And it's raining again .... April and May? 2023 will be remembered as very unfriendly. ;-) Have nice weekend! Regula

    1. I know ... there's some improvement in the weather by now, but still far too windy! xxx

  3. Hello Ann from the UK 🇬🇧 in the throws of a Coronation weekend. We are hoping for at least a dry day if not some sunshine.
    I can’t help but notice how lovely you look in blues, it’s definitely your colour. The first dress is my favourite.
    It was good to catch up with what’s going on in your part of the world. Sending our love to you both xxxx

    1. Thank you Lynn! I've been told before that blue is my colour, which doesn't mean I'll be ruling out the others :-) xxx

  4. Your blue floral frock and your lilac one are lovely but the tartan one has to be my favourite, those collars are phenomenal!
    We had a hint of Spring this week (if you ignored the wind!) but obviously, as it's Coronation weekend, it's been peeing it down since last evening but thankfully it's not too cold and I'm in short sleeves!
    Fab finds, the print on the skirt is a joy. At first glance I thought the mushroom painted building was a Gaudi house and you'd nipped over to beautiful Barcelona.
    Your newly planted little corner of Dove Cottage's garden is going to look glorious in a few months time. I'm not sure about plants being colour coordinated in garden centres, it's bad enough in charity shops. xxx

    1. Thank you Vix! I couldn't believe I hadn't worn that tartan dress yet. It's definitely a keeper, as I absolutely loved wearing it! xxx

  5. Definitely a nice surprise to have sunshine on a Saturday morning! The shift from long sleeves to three quarter sleeves is an exciting one. It means spring is truly here! I love that blue floral dress, It looks beautiful on you and I love the buttons you chose to add to the dress. Wow, that vintage wool coat is beautiful! I love it! I'm glad you were able to get a few items at the garden center, even if they didn't have exactly what you were looking for. Wow, those sewing baskets are incredible. You have the most incredible treasures in your home! My goodness...the shoes in this post. I love them all!

    the creation of beauty is art.

    1. Thank you Shannon! I can never resist a vintage sewing basket! xxx

  6. Oh, the weather is the pits at the moment!

    Lovely outfits. Loved the blue and orange combo; the lilac and turquoise combo but I especially liked the purple and red outfit. I think the wider flared skirt on that type of dress looks extremely good on you. And as for the cute floral shoes; how gorgeous were they?

    The mushroom decorated building was fantastic - who knew mushrooms could look so groovy? I wonder if the occupants like 'magic mushrooms'?

    I loved your collection of sewing baskets and understand only too well the need to find space for your books. What about shelves over the doorways? I have one in my study. The space over the doors is usually a wasted space and if you have six rooms; that's six doors with the potential for six more bookshelves...

    1. Thank you Vronni! That's a great idea about putting shelves over the doorways! Oh, and I was wondering about the magic mushrooms as well :-) xxx

  7. I love flowers, plants and gardens but, unlike you, have no talent at making things grow. Your pretty pictures let me live vicariously so thank you!

    1. Thank you Ally! I never knew I had a talent for growing things until we moved here. Must be in the genes, as both my paternal grandfather and great-grandfather were keen gardeners! xxx

  8. gorgeous tartan dress!!
    that rusty ironwork looks wonderful - i´m a great fan of such things..... the gardens flowers are so very beautiful - and plentiful - lovely photos. and of cause you´r wearing the matching dress :-D
    what luck that your friends did´t went on a flight holiday!

    1. Thank you Beate! I didn't notice until afterwards that I was wearing a matching dress :-) And I definitely love rusty ironwork as well! xxx

  9. Another cornucopia of delights! Gorgonzola is a wonderful name for a mouse and s/he has a lovely place to rest on those gorgeous sewing baskets.
    Your garden is really coming to life - your bluebells are beautiful.
    I love the pretty footwear, particularly the Soulier shoes, and the Think Twice dresses. Red goes perfectly with the plaid dress.
    The mushroom house is interesting but slightly grotesque to my eyes.
    Great post, Ann x

    1. Thank you Janice! I used to have twin stuffed mice called Cheddar and Chester too! xxx

  10. You know I Love your wardrobe!
    That first blue dress ...and the last plaid are today's favorites! Lovely!
    All the flowers are beautiful!

    1. Thank you so much Donna! I'm a sucker for anything plaid! xxx

  11. What a gorgeous tartan dress!💕 You look amazing in it, Ann.
    You have so many wonderful flowers in the garden. Antwerpen is a very exciting city. Thank you for pictures.
    with a huge hug Tina

    1. Thank you Tina! I know that you've actually visited Antwerp, so that's a great compliment for my home city! xxx

  12. How lovely spring has sprung. We have just been out and purchased some Hostas, to replace some plants that have come to an end. Your garden is looking super nice now and we have a matching bistro set, except ours is a coral colour.

    1. Thank you Jean! I love Hostas but they're doomed here, as they will be devoured by slugs and snails in no time! xxx

  13. Wowzers, spring must be on the way as we went from a three-quatre length sleeve to a short length in one blog post! Lovely dresses Ann. Good job on planting the perennial border before the rain came in. I am often known to run into the garden for emergency pre-weather front planting. That way I don't have to water too much! Your sewing baskets do look super chic. Hopefully Gorgonzola won't be chewed or chased around the house by Bess :) xXx

    1. Thank you Lulu! For some reason, Bess isn't interested in Gorgonzola! xxx

  14. I LOVE that vintage teal wool coat. Very nice! We have loads of bluebells in the garden at the moment. More than ever, it seems.

    1. Thank you Nikki! I did notice our bluebells were exceptionally prolific as well! xxx

  15. I've sat down to read this so many times and been interrupted and then our internet was down for much of the day yesterday!
    Love your vintage flower brooch, cute spring shoes and of course, those vintage sewing baskets (even if I have no patience for their contents).
    The passageway is looking good - hope your back ache didn't linger for long.
    Thanks for the photos of Antwerp; the mushroom facade and promenade shots are fantastic! xxx

    1. Thank you for persevering Claire! Other than sewing on buttons, I haven't got much patience or talent for sewing either. In fact, only one of those baskets actually contains sewing paraphernalia! xxx

  16. You are looking gorgeous in this outfits <a

  17. Sorry that the weather was so chilly and rainy, but you totally rock whatever the weather!. I love your blue flower infused dress with its new buttons (a marriage made in heaven) and tan-orange accessorizing, perfect cardi and beads and brooch!. Your teal coat is a fabulous piece indeed!.
    Your garden passageway looks really tidy and cute now!.
    Love particularly your teal&purple ensemble, the floral dress with those matchy shoes!, they make a fab combo!. I'd probably add some citron-green to the mix! ;DD
    Great finds!, those shoes and boots are really amazing!
    Always enjoying to join you for an interesting walk, your pictures are brilliant!
    And saving the best for last, that plaid dress with red accents is such a lovely outfit!. I'm a huge fan of matchy longsleeved tshirts and tights, love a layer of colour peeking out!
    Mr.Gorgonzola has put a smile on my face!

    1. Gracias Monica! I'll keep it in mind to add some lemon green to the mix next time I'm wearing that dress ;-) xxx
